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mam rozumieć że doczekamy się DLC za 30$ czy że gra będzie kosztować 30$ po tym DLC?


We still don't want to be specific about many things, not even the expansion name, but we can start by giving you some general idea about the scale of the project. The general goal is to make the expansion feel like as big an addition as the whole vanilla game. This is why we plan to price it at $30.00, and put in enough content to make it well worth the price.
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@guest: panowie od factorio raczej kitu nie sprzedadza. A 30$ przez ilosc godzin frajdy to wyjda grosze. i tez ciekawe podejscie ze nie robia oficjalnie factorio 2 tylko dlc, jak Ci sie nie spodoba to grasz bez dlc, nie trzeba bedzie modow robic pod dwojke.
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@Mietek421: nope.

Almost 1 year ago (FFF-365) we said "we don't think that [the expansion] will take less than a year to develop". Well it has been less than a year and it is not finished, so we kept our word on that :).

But while it might not be finished, there is a still a lot we have done so far.

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