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What the fuck did Rafalek do?! He stuck it here, I tore it off earlier?! What the fuck are they doing?! They're fucking destroying my private property! I'll sue him! I won't fucking let this fucking Krzysiek in here! One and the other one! Fucking cunts! They're fucking letting him in! I'll move out of here faster! The fucking dumpster, oh! I fucking cleaned it all up myself! Who cleaned it up?! I'm gonna get my fucking hands dirty?! Look what's fucking going on over there! Get off him!

Come on, Rafalek, you fucking clown! You gonna fucking stick it on?! On your own fucking mm... on your Mercedes stick it fucking on!
Let him put it on his fucking Mercedes! And if not, let him put it on his dick! He'll fucking destroy someone else's fucking property!
Or is his dick gone? And I'm... and I'm fucking recording myself, get yourself a fucking camera and record yourself, and you're not gonna fuck around, you're always fucking around. Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up! I'm gonna use this phone a second time, I'm gonna use this phone a second time, I'm gonna blow your fucking head off, you dirty fuck! Please take this fucking car out into the fucking street. Let them fucking trample it there, aaah... the papers will be on the street, it'll be on the street, I'll just call and... take it to the fucking salvage yard. Just like your Passat. There's the fucking Passat I fucking bought you. Fucking porker! All you can do is abuse. You bully, you bully, you bully! I said I wouldn't be here for a while. What do you say, what do you say? What do you say?! You took it? You fucking took it, you fucking bought it, you fucking did it, you fucking took it yourself! You're gonna bully me, right?

#kononowicz #patostreamy