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Podoba mi się ten włoski raport z wizyty w Xinjiang. Oryginał po włosku i angielsku.
Sam fakt, że amerykanie byli zapraszani, ale ich delegacja nigdy się nie zjawiła... niestety strażnicy świata za każdym razem odmówili. Pojechaliby, a tam na miejscu śladu ludobójstwa (mimo, że w amerykańskiej niezależnej prasie znają dokładne lokalizacje obozów lol). Na sam koniec musieliby oficjalnie przyznać, że kłamią.

The accusations made over the past year by the United States
and its main allies on the alleged Uyghur genocide taking place
in Xinjiang and the supposed interment of one and a half million
people in concentration camps, are mainly based on the
claims of a certain Adrian Zenz, an independent German
anthropologist who has been speculating on the matter for
years without ever having set foot in Xinjiang. Other
testimonies reported in recent months have also called into
question the statements made by two Uyghur women,
Tursunay Ziawudun and Sayragul Sautbay, who claim to
have been detained in the alleged interment and forced labour
camps. Ziawudun, welcomed in the United States by the
Uyghur Human Rights Project, has changed her version
several times, first claiming that she had never been raped and
never witnessed sexual violence, and subsequently claiming to
have been tortured and raped by a group of men

During his speech at
the Ron Paul Institute, in 2018, colonel Wilkerson, chief of
staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said that that
the US’ aim was to “destabilise China” by using Uyghur
separatists to foment unrest in the region and push Beijing’s
radius of action towards the inside

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