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Yesterday, 6.4k BTC in shorts was opened. This means that presumably hedge funds have borrowed BTC at a probable price above 36k based on the time of the short interest.

The last time large short interest occurred was May 17th where 11k BTC were borrowed leading up to the May 19th crash.

Large short positions mean the hedge funds will try to drop the price of BTC and buy back cheap to return their borrowed BTC.


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@FxJerzy: no właśnie chyba nie. To nie jest takie proste zmienić 2 rekordy 1 tabeli. W uproszczeniu, broker musi skupić BTC -> przelać na krypto portfel short sellerom -> ss sprzedaje i czeka, następnie skupuje i przelewa spowrotem brokerowi (to tak na chłopski rozum).
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