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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

transfixed - sparaliżowany, skamieniały [literary; unable to move or stop looking at something because you are so interested, surprised, or frightened]
Rabbits transfixed in the glare of car headlights are common victims on the roads. We all sat in silence, transfixed by what we saw on the screen.
inexorable - nieubłagany, nieuchronny [formal; continuing without any possibility of being stopped]
Aging is an inexorable process.
outwardly - pozornie, na zewnątrz [in a way that relates to how people, situations, or things seem to be, rather than how they are inside]
The men led outwardly normal lives as fathers and husbands.
pall - obłok, chmura [a thick, dark cloud of smoke]
Palls of smoke obscured our view.
riveting - wciągający, fascynujący [approving; so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely]
I found the film absolutely riveting.
to garnish - ozdobić, przybrać [to decorate food with a small amount of different food]
Garnish the dish with parsley before serving.
dowry - posag [in some societies, an amount of money or property that a woman's parents give to the man she marries]
The dowry was never paid, and the king held himself free of his promise.
gale - wichura [an extremely strong wind]
The gale blew down hundreds of trees.
to shoulder - brać na siebie winę/ciężar/odpowiedzialność [to accept the responsibility for something]
Teachers cannot be expected to shoulder all the blame for poor exam results.
post - stanowisko, posada [formal; an important job, especially one in government]
She was offered a key post in the new government.She was offered a key post in the new government.
bonus - idiom
come to grips
If you come to grips with a problem or situation, you start to understand or deal with it properly.
After the initial shock, the patient began to come to grips with his disability.


Zapraszam do wytykania błędów, literówek, złych tłumaczeń, usterek, głupiego awatara itp.
GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik


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