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Promised but missing feature list (will update with comments)

Let's lay down a list of what was promised to us but it was found missing from the game.

Please let this gain some traction - we must be organized if we want to provoke an answer from the dev team.

\- AMAZING AI that directs enemies during combat/patrol but also citizens and npcs' daily life (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kbk4ap/the_ai_of_cyberpunk_2077_an_indepth_look_at_the/)

\- wanted system and corrupt police (https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-wanted-system-corrupt-police/)

\-Immersive police involvment changing with the area where you commited the crime (https://www.usgamer.net/articles/cyberpunk-2077-producer-details-law-enforcement)

\- in general, way more interesting combat and hacking (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FknHjl7eQ6o). Some examples are the ability to use your wire to hack people (https://youtu.be/vjF9GgrY9c0?t=2540), hacking reveales information about the network, more interesting viruses to upload, more loot from hacked devices.

\- more interesting gameplay, for example: trauma team that plays a key role, freequent flying avs, ads that target the player point to the merchant that sells that product, merch could be pre-viewed before purchase (Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVAryZ0GLwE and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0&feature=youtu.be&t=2531) NOTE: this section is by far the most oversimplied one. There are a number of minute key things I am not stating in this thread because I don't want to dilute it too much.

\- Strong RPG elements (https://wccftech.com/cyberpunk-2077-is-a-much-deeper-roleplaying-experience-than-the-witcher-3-says-dev/)

\- NPC unique daily routine and AI (https://www.tweaktown.com/news/73048/over-thousand-cyberpunk-2077-npcs-will-have-unique-daily-routines/index.html)

\- Quest decisions will have relevance in the world (https://onlysp.escapistmagazine.com/cyberpunk-2077-changes/)

\- Meaningful day and night cycle (right now it's just cosmetic and doesn't impact the gameplay): Exploring Cyberpunk's Night City with CD Projekt Red - Cyberpunk 2077 - Gamereactor

\- Incredible character customization during creation / in-game (https://gamecrate.com/cyberpunk-2077-boxing-power-weapons-militech-spider-robot-and-more/23426 and https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/cyberpunk-2077-character-creation/)

\- Use of drones for more than just some missions in the game (https://gamecrate.com/cyberpunk-2077-boxing-power-weapons-militech-spider-robot-and-more/23426)

\- three different lifepaths and more that would actually have more impact than what we are getting now (Wall running and metro system are not the biggest thing to be cut out from the game. Its the plot : cyberpunkgame (reddit.com)

\- to add on the previous point, lifepaths leading to non-linear quest design (https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2019/09/12/cyberpunk-2077-lifepath-system/)

\- Nanowire and gorilla arms have a lot of different uses that are still in the description of the item (https://twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/status/1153684171606450178?s=09).

\- Runs very well on last gen consoles (source NOT needed)

\- The game will launch when it's ready (source NOT needed)

\- Variety of braindances instead of it being just few cutscenes (can't find reference, please link)(so far videos like this https://youtu.be/ToWfeUEAeeQ?t=1167 point that braindance is a cool mechanic but they never said we'd be able to purchase and use the braindances on our devices and all. I don't feel this is a broken promise, rather an aspect of the game that we would love to have had implemented).

\- Challenging weather system that would pose a threat to your survival (https://www.windowscentral.com/cyberpunk-2077-features-acid-rain-and-other-deadly-environmental-challenges)

Features that were initially promised but later they announced to have been removed:

\- Properties purchase and customization options (https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/9bu0d5/purchasable_apartments_confirmed/)

\- Transportation system (Promised but then removed https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/cyberpunk-2077-wont-show-subway-travel/z41f9d)

\- Scaling walls (https://www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-wall-running-mantis-blades-cut)

\- Vehicle customization (https://www.altchar.com/game-news/cyberpunk-2077-wont-have-vehicle-customisation-aonab8e3yY6b)

IMPORTANT: I see many of you contributed and I thank you. However this thread is specifically for broken promises, i.e. things that they said (in an article, tweet, interview...) we would find in the game and didn't. I believe there are other thread specifically for quality of life things we would want to see implemented in the game (and the list is infinite there as well).

Also edit: many many thanks for the gold! It is appreciated.

EDIT: Alright I have monitored all your replies and added what I felt was truthful. The point of this list is not to discuss minutia but to have a concentrated and dense point of reference for future discussion.

Apologies if I have missed anything. Please do refer at this list whenever it's needed. If there are key things I have missed, PM me.

My personal opinion is that Cyberpunk 2077 is another reason NEVER to preorder a game, and to always try to hold people accountable for what they promised. Yes I know what companies do isn't illegal but that should not stop us to manifest discontent for what we think are malpractices in the game industry.

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via Wykop Mobilny (Android)
  • 13
I tak szczerze to wątpię czy uda im się dostarczyć jakiekolwiek zmiany w.w. w patchach. za duża skala i to jest bądź co bądź gra single z zakończonym wątkiem
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@stjimmy: I to jest prawdziwy powód przez który można stwierdzić że cyberpunk to klapa. To są rzeczy których się nie #!$%@? - po prostu ubogi design, złe założenia twórcze no i fałszywy marketing. tego się nie zateguje bo to są fundamenty.

no ale ktoś tu pisał że tylko wykopki malkontenci hejterzy narzekają, bo siedzą i nie mają co robić albo się uwzięli na kogoś tam. niestety prawda jest prostsza. to nawet
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@stjimmy: fun fact - polowe z tych rzeczy macie w calkiem niezlym Watchdogs: Legion (hint: w opcjach da sie scustomizowac fizyke/input pojazdow (czym mozna niezle odraczyc jeden z najslabszych punktow gry)
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