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#randomanimeshit #anime #originalcharacter #podkolanowkianime

Fajny ten SajberPunk, taki nie za erpegowy... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Most dialogues (98%) have no impact on the >story whatsoever. The vast majority of dialogue >only changes the next line of dialogue and >that’s it.

Only a very small subset of dialogues (around >2% of all dialogues) actually have any impact >whatsoever. These are the choices pointed out >in this guide.

You will always end up on the same linear story >path with the same objectives and missions no >matter what. Even if you go for the choices in >this guide or not won’t change what missions >you get. The game is much more linear than it >seems.

What Endings you get is entirely decided by >one set of Dialogues during the final mission. >Anything you do (or don’t do) during the story >leading up to the ending is completely >inconsequential. There are no “wrong” choices.
Azur88 - #randomanimeshit #anime #originalcharacter #podkolanowkianime

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