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Sometimes when editing shows with tight deadlines there is little time to continuously play the edit to see where the edit gets a bit boring. DaVinci Resolve 16.1 introduces a new Boring Detector that allows the whole timeline to be highlighted where any shot is too long and would be boring for a viewer to watch. The boring detector can also show jump cuts where shots are too short as well. The analysis is constantly showing which parts of the timeline are boring so as editors work and add shots to their edit, they can see the remaining parts of the edit which are considered boring. The boring detector is great when using the source tape, as editors can perform a lot of edits without playing the timeline, so the boring detector will be an alternative live source of feedback.

#blackmagic #filmowanie #montaz
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@kj5: jak już robią coś co się nazywa boring detector to już mogliby zrobić, by po wykryciu nudnego materiału z głośników lecą teksty typu „u fukin boring cunt” a potem system oblewa wrzątkiem ręce montażysty, by więcej takiego gówna nie kleił. To by dopiero było
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