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Mirki, jak się sprzedaje #motocykl (albo inne #samochody) na #otomoto i typ chce zapłacić tylko i wyłącznie PayPalem a moto odbierze firma logistyczna z Dubaju i przewiezie mu go do Irlandii to znaczy że koleś chce mnie wydymać, nie?

I'm Desmond Bernard Mark From Ireland. However, I'm Ready to Buy the Bike from you as I know a very Good Shipping Company from Dubai (Global Shipping Logistics) which I will be sending Down for the Bike to be Picked up from your Address down to my Country here in Ireland... Please be aware that it not my first time buying some stuff like this in your country as I'm used of buying things in your country without having any problem and I would like to pay you via PayPal; Do you have PayPal?

- Concerning going to notary office if necessary and changing of document to my personal name or signature signs shall be done by my shipping company.

- My Shipping Company will represent me by staying 1/2 days in your country to go to the Police Department e.t.c and make sure all procedure is done accurately before picking up the Bike from your Address.

-The Transportation Charges, Expenses and cost to pick up the Bike from your Place Down to my address shall be responsible by me.

However, I could have come personally to inspect the Bike my self but couldn't due to my job as I'm always busy and I hope the photos and condition described in the advert is exactly as it is in the website?... I hope I won't regret buying the Bike? Please, I want to know the body condition of the Bike and when last you serviced it... And PayPal is the only option I can make Payment instantly to you and Lastly what is the actual price you are willing to sell the Bike for me?

Kindly take note that I can pay you in PLN Currency to your PayPal Account which is fast, safe and reliable way to receive Payment Instantly as I don't have access paying you via bank or any other way due to my current Job and for that reason have no time paying you via Bank but can pay PLN/ZL Instantly from my PayPal account directly to your PayPal account which you will receive the amount fully in your PayPal account as I hope you understand and I will also bear responsible/cover up 4% rate of PayPal Charges/Commision Fee which I will be including to your PayPal Payment.


Śmierdzi na kilometr tylko nie wiem jak chciałby mnie zrobić w bambuko? Dodatkowymi opłatami? Czy założenie sporu w PayPal po tym jak już dostał motocykl że go niby nie dostał?
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