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@lenovo99: Jakiś czas temu przypadkowo natknąłem się na takie coś, nazywa się: Stainless Steel Soap Smell Remover Kitchen Bar Hand Odour Eliminating Easy Fast.

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I bought this product mainly for fishing and it works amazingly. it completely gets rid of the smell but does leave behind a minute smell of metal which is barely noticeable. it is small, durable and lightweight which makes the perfect thing to keep in a bag camping or fishing and easy to keep in thew kitchen. Great product
Kristoferoz - @lenovo99: Jakiś czas temu przypadkowo natknąłem się na takie coś, nazy...

źródło: comment_v8VzuUv1HcuHzhPN8zq8DmHMmkcBKeT6.jpg

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