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Manchester United zareagował podniesieniem ceny biletów dla kibiców Sevilli na mecz u siebie i z różnicy dołoży swoim kibicom na wyjazd

@C_MR: za to szanuje
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@C_MR: @MiszczJoda: @redheart: @polik95:
no i wygląda na to, ze Sevilla się nawróciła i zrobi to samo. A można było to zrobić bez poodnoszenia cen na początku i całej dramy.


Sevilla FC will subsidise the price increase for club members travelling to Manchester for said fixture. With this subsidy, the club will guarantee that no club members pay more than the 60 Euros initially specified. Sevilla will be in contact with UEFA over both Manchester United's failure to make 5% of tickets available to away fans, as well as the Club's price increase after a formal application for an away allocation. Sevilla will also look to guarantee that no Sevillista pays a penny more than any Manchester United fan
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