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#ufik78news #javascript #programowanie #webdev

01. Link - Learn regex the easy way

02. Link - Getting Started with Headless Chrome in Node.js

03. Link - Getting started with Nodebots and Johnny-Five

04. Link - N-API and getting started with writing C addons for Node.js

05. Link - Frozen Prototypes

06. Link - An Introduction to Web Scraping with Node JS

07. Link - Using Code Snippets in Chrome Developer Tools

08. Link - Increase your web development skill-set: 150 animated tips on Chrome DevTools

09. Link - A crash course in just-in-time (JIT) compilers

10. Link - Custom Elements v1: Reusable Web Components

11. Link - Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo)

12. Link - All the fundamental React.js concepts, jammed into this single Medium article

13. Link - How to create a Neural Network in JavaScript in only 30 lines of code
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