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Rosyjski BB premium będzie przewidywanie rozdawany w evencie

To get the reward warship, players will have to complete four tasks during the two week period:

Task I: Win 50 games and deal 300,000 damage to Battleships
Reward: 500,000 Credits
Task II: Earn 30,000 Base Experience and deal 300,000 damage to Destroyers
Reward: 25x Equal Speed Charlie London Signal
Task III: Hit 50 Citadels and deal 300,000 damage to Cruisers
Reward: 50x Zulu Signal
Task IV: Destroy 100 planes and receive 3,000 Ribbons
Reward: 25x Restless Fire Camouflage
Reward for completing all Tasks: Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya, 1 ship slot, 1 captain slot, 6-point captain.

Players will be able to do all tasks at the same time, using any warship starting from Tier IV in Ranked or Random battles.

For those who won’t be able to complete the event, or for those who just want to skip the grind, the ship will be sold after the event in the Premium Shop.

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