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Let the Wall of text begin

First off:
I assume you have read the manual... If not - you can find any X-Plane manual here: http://www.x-plane.com/support/manuals/
Just about every question that has been asked has also become YouTube content... Many how to' s, guides and suggestions for freeware can be found there.

Get familiar with this site: http://forums.x-plane.org/ ( You are on it... but bookmark it, you WILL be going there frequently if you like addons) It is everything XP and what you do not find there, you find discussions and/or links to in the forums.
Check out the flight school if you are new to or want to improve/refresh your flying knowledge. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/90-x-ppl-learn-to-fly/

There is a store as well, and many good aircraft, sceneries and addons are sold there. You will find almost every major airport and thousands of small ones, aircraft and addons as freeware well. Just search the download section. (In the .org forums, not the store) For other specific aircraft, google them and you will find them. Remember that for every airport you will most likely need an additional library for that airports objects. The libraries are “collections of objects” that developers use and you will need them in order for your airports to work. Here is a master list of almost every XPlane- library known to man: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/90776-master-list-of-libraries/ Bookmark it or download all of them. Your choice. (bookmark it anyway – because the libraries may get an update down the line..)

STEAM or directly from Laminar Research

+easy +cheap (steam sales)
+LR gets most profit +make multiple copies of XP directory +you will learn more not being afraid to mess up

The advantage of a STEAM download is that it's kind of purchase, install and forget. But that is also the problem. STEAM makes X-Plane registry dependent and you will not be able to make a working copy of X-Plane somewhere else or on another disk- Witch is useful when you want to add content and start messing with the file structure. Direct Download (OR DVD purchase) gives you the option to make as many copies as you want of X-Plane to mess, mod and tweak with. It must be on the same computer or you will need multiple licenses. You will be supporting LR as much as you can and not give 30% of the amount paid to STEAM (this effect goes double at steam sales). LR is not a big company and we all benefit from their usage of available resources. So bottom line: I recommend direct download. http://www.x-plane.com/desktop/buy-it/

Where to install?
The C: drive is almost always your system disk and installation on this disk should be avoided if possible. No harm in installing here, but I always make two top folders for X-Plane on a separate disk. One is the X-Plane install and the other is for the X-Plane addon files. Installing X-Plane on a SSD gives you NO advantage other than loading times. You can have parts of your X-Plane file structure on another disk, even an external or a network drive, but that is not for beginners and I won't go into that here. Forget that I said anything... When you install - remember to add the scenery where you want to fly. But be aware that it consumes a lot of space, so start small and work yourself up. Unless you have massive storage (and good broadband connection for the DL version).
(A clean setup from the start gives you good control all of the time. And always keep a backup of your original install - OR a working copy of modded X-Plane)

For a good tutorial on how to set up your simulator after install, check out Stealthbob's video post of Catstrators tutorial in the comments below (page1).
Or just take out the link from the distorted link below. (Keeping this here until I have figured out how to embed a video properly.
I am too noob to intergrate the video here so it does not "take over" the whole beginners guide in size.

Some warnings:

1: OK, you have installed X-Plane – do NOT opt in on the beta releases unless you really know what you are doing. Beta releases are there to be tested if the version to be released next is stable or not. If you are a normal user – just ignore beta. To be very clear: Leave that checkbox in the installer alone. To roll back from an accidental beta install, un-check the opt in for beta box and run the installer again as if to install X-Plane anew. The installer will then roll back to latest stable release. But if you do know your way around betas and know what that means please do test a beta now and then (On a separate instance of X-plane). LR needs beta testers and that is why that option is there in the first place.

2: X-Plane is just about as complicated as you want it to be. Out of the box it is the best looking and most advanced sim on the market (spring 2017) and it is plug and play. Like Microsoft Flight simulator X and Prepar3d, X-Plane is very mod friendly. And it can be modded to an extent that makes it look absolutely realistic (what that is, is a matter of personal preference). But be aware that the more you mod, the more resources your simulator will demand from your computer. But that does not mean that every mod will crunch your fps. There are even addons that will have no effect or even better the frames per second and enhance your simulator at the same time. Check minimum requirements of X-Plane here: http://www.x-plane.com/kb/x-plane-11-system-requirements/

3: Never install more than one addon at a time and take your time researching the addon you are installing. Many addons do NOT work well with others. Also, check if the addon is XP11 compatible.
Many XP10 or even XP9 addons work out of the box in XP11 – but if the developer does not give guarantees for it – do not expect it to work in XP11. Rule of thumb: the more complicated; the more you need that guarantee.

4: If you plan to add tons of addons. Make a copy of the original installation of XP11 and put it in a vault where it is not touched. (<---- do this now!) This is to have a clean copy of XP for when (yes when) it gives you errors. If you get errors you can check the log file for what happened. It is located in your root folder.

5: Get to know the folder layout in XP if you start with modifications. Some addons install themselves with an installer (most payware do) but more often than not you will have to install your newly acquired goodies manually. At least know the following folders:


The X-Plane11/Aircraft folder is where you put your extra aircraft. Unpack the downloaded aircraft and just move it over to the aircraft folder. You may make sub-folders such as “my hangar” and such, but keep it clean and shallow (not folders in folders).

The X-Plane11/Custom Scenery folder is where you move your extracted airports and scenery folders. Be sure to follow your content creator’s instructions! Some addons need special treatment and there is almost always a readme file with instructions in the unpacked folder.

The X-Plane11/Resources/plugins folder is where your plugins go.

About - and examples of Addons:

Difficulty of installation and/or usage:
O - easy, X - somewhat difficult, XX - pretty difficult, XXX - geek much?

Aircraft: (O freeware/payware)
The hands down best aircraft to any sim -yes, to P3D and others as well (although they get very close and the educated will quarrel) is the IXEG 737 classic. It is not yet ready for XP11 but is usable.(use and buy at your own risk) And a free update is coming (we all hope sooner than later). There are tons of other great Airliners out there so don’t hesitate to ask for other peoples favorites. Same goes for all other aircraft, turboprops, GA, gliders, micro or military. If you don't have the money for the IXEG (you should save up for it if you like 737's..) then there are mods to enhance the default 737-800 - called ZIBO mod. Search for it :) Last but not least: Liveries. Tons of liveries all over the .org as well for just about every freeware or payware aircraft.

Airports and scenery: (O freeware – payware)
Just search the .org for the airport near you or where you want to fly. XPlane has a “feature” called X-portal where content creators can add their creations and maybe get them in on the next XPlane update.
This database and thus XP’s default airport database is growing fast. But there will always be airports missing. You will most likely find it in the .org.
Just be aware that big complex airports get system demanding pretty fast. So your 486 with 75Mhz turbo boost might struggle here even with the button firmly pressed.
One thing you will HAVE TO KNOW or airports and scenery won't work!!
Where as aircraft are usually straight forward, airports will have to be manually put in the right order in the scenerypacks.ini file. Not that hard to do but must be done for the scenery to load correctly.
First: drag the airport into the Custom Scenery folder. Start XP (this is for XP to recognize the new content). Close XP again and just open the scenery
packs.ini from your custom scenery folder with notepad or a text editor of your choice (I use notepad++).
In that list you will now find the new scenery. Cut it out and paste it in where it should be located. (Airports on top) If you are unsure where your scenery goes, check the link under the warning tag below Ortho4xp section.

X-organizer: (O freeware)
A program that organizes and keeps your x-plane folder tidy. (Not really the folder itself, but the order of the content in the scenerypacks.ini file witch is a kind of index of scenery folders for XP)

Ortho4xp: (XX freeware)
If you want photorealism - then check it out (you will hear a LOT about that program here and everywhere. Ortho4xplane is a program that generates photorealistic tiles of your chosen area (if there are providers for it).
It covers most of the world but be aware that this addon gets space consuming fast!
W2XP is something you will hear about in the same breath as ortho4xplane. It adds autogen based on OMS data. Works great with Ortho but is not an absolute must. It replaces the default autogen.
HDMesh is the last one in this scenery galore trio. It is the “heightmap” of the downloaded area. Ever seen those stunning Xplane pics from the Alps (LOWI and such)? Yeah, that’s probably made with these three buggers.

WARNING! This ortho stuff is not easy at first. If you are uneasy with editing config files or just generally a nervous poor sod, then stay away from this section and never return. But if you get this right then not only does your sim look fantastic,
but the reward of completing something like this could develop into a minor fetish for tile rendering. I won’t judge – if you don’t. Some info and a good overview can be found here https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/442579-understanding-scenery-order/ Ortho, w2xp and hd mesh is a big theme and I have made a wall of text out of it… So I end that ordeal here. Questions about scenery? Ask in the forums or on a X-Plane facebook page of your choice.

Fly With Lua (X freeware)
This is adependency addon. Meaning that many addons depend on it to work. Read carefully on the page of the addon you want to see if it needs any additional downloads to work.
People keep asking how to get rid of the message on the screen when they have installed FWL. The official answer is: Read the manual. The authors answer:
"You have two different choices. The simple choice is to uninstall FlyWithLua and just don't use it. The more difficult way to get it working is reading the manual and learn how FlyWithLua decides which scripts have to be executed.
Little hint, it depends on the place where you store them."

xEnviro and SMP4: (O payware)
Default weather is getting better and better in XP - but if you want that little extra you can start pulling your hairs out when you want to choose between the two pay ware addons.
(There are freeware as well – project x-tune, blue fx, reshade +++)

X-Camera: (X donationware)
This addon will give you total control over camera views (a bit daunting at first glance maybe - but well worth it!)
Tip: default camera in XP is good too. Use arrow keys to move sideways and up /down and period and comma keys to move forward and backwards. (Keys over right ALT key)
Use ctrl + NUMpad Keys to save camera angles. For more control than that: use x-camera.

HeadShake: (O freeware)
Yup, just that. Shakes head (Is compatible with X-Camera.)

Pilot2ATC: (X freeware)
I have no experience with this addon, but it is an example of alternatives to the default ATC. (Witch to be honest... is rubbish)

AutoLod: (O freeware)
An “autoloader of scenery” elements such as autogen that only loads in as much as your system can take at a time. (good for low end systems)

FSEconomy: (X freeware)
If you want to throw in some economic aspect and "play career mode". This too may seem a bit daunting at first and it is in essence web-based with a small plugin for XP itself. So don't expect a full blown The Sims like tycoon experience. But once you are in and get the basics: Definitely worth a go!

X-Life / World Traffic 2.x (X / XX payware)
These are AI traffic for your simulation world. Default AI is.. well lets say I feel more alone with them there than without.. Like the promise of a close companion and getting a 80's toy robot that has 2 functions.
X-Life is an almost plug and play addon that automatically adds routes for AI. WT2 is the same, but is not as plug and play. In return WT2 is the most advanced of the two with AI relating to the environment such as wake turbulence and more.
WT3 is in the works and should be released any time soon (we hope) and it will be plug and play – and in my opinion the one to get. (Opinion written: spring 2017)

Vatsim / Pilot Edge: (XX freeware)
I have not tried these yet myself since I find them daunting (get a grip!) But I hope I will get my nerves together in the future to get over my initial fears. What is it you ask?
Oh, sorry – it’s online live ATC for your inter-humanistic communicational needs. You actually talk to a human who plays the role as ATC. I need to be corrected on what I write about these since I am a total noob, but I believe Pilot Edge is only for parts of the US and VATSIM is worldwide, but only a number of airports are active at one time. I would say, this is NOT for beginners as such – you should know your system and what you are doing before going into these addons. I believe Squackbox is the name of the plugin used for VATSIM.
If you want to know more https://www.vatsim.net/ | https://www.pilotedge.net/

(Left: RWDesigns TwinOtter over Ortho scenery & xEnviro CAVOC weather --- Right: IXEG view over default scenery with xEnviro weather)

There are many - many - many more addons. Ask and it is probably made, being made or someone here will make it. And as you can see there are no addons that go under the full geek difficulty. So don’t be scared, make a copy of your X-Plane folder today and start adding!

Remember that the X-Plane community, although growing extremely fast since the launch of XP11, is still small compared to FlightsimX and Lockheed Prepar3D. The backside of having such a small crowd is that the major developers don't see profit and therefor hesitate to start large projects. Plus side is that the community is a tight one and that it is a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Smaller developers now also have a chance to get bigger and maybe compete with the "big boys" like PMDG from FSX nad P3D down the line. (PMDG have an excellent study level DC6 for X-Plane btw. so they are not totally off)

If you want to follow closely on what is next in line for X-plane, you can follow the developers blogs. http://developer.x-plane.com/
If you find bugs, then please report them to the proper authorities. Being, of course Laminar Research. Link to bug reporter: http://dev.x-plane.com/support/bugreport.html

A fun way to play:
I use FSEconomy to somewhat determine my route to where I fly. First I choose the region, (usually somewhere in Scandinavia for me) I then choose the starting point based on where my desired aircraft for hire is located (I do not own one yet). The destination depends on the jobs available. So in my initial flight planning where I plan routes and stuff for my flight I now have a starting point and a destination. So now to the next step in my routine: My flight planning also includes the search for and installation of the custom airports that are in or near my flight plan (if I don't have it already and of course if it is availabe) This way I usually discover new scenery and airports by flying over and landing on it with a purpose. Making virtual money and Internet points. =)

Common errors and fixes

One easy fix that fixes almost everything:
Do not to use if you actually plan to report bugs to LR! And keep in mind that this fixes things just temporarily (mostly). Aaaand there are no guarantees that it won’t break your install (remember that I mentioned to back up XP before messing with this?)
Anyways – here it goes: Delete your X-Plane11/Output/Preferences folder. BUT WAIT! First back up any files that you want to keep. X-plane
Joystick_settings.prf AND addon specific .prf’s such as xEnviro. You may see increase in FPS as a result of this but only use this as a last resolve. And don’t come crying to me if something happened or something did not get fixed. I think I have warned you enough now.

Until XP11.1 releases with a performance upgrade or if you are struggling with low FPS in general try the easy fix above or try out a small program called Rendering Options for XP11 witch will give you much more detailed graphics options than native XP11. (This addon is FlyWithLua dependent)

Every airport is an aircraft carrier!
Oh my, so all you see is water? Welcome to X-Plane Sea world! The easy fix won't fix this one... But it is still easy =) Just open the installer (in your X-Plane root folder) and install the scenery. Yup, that's it. Be aware that the whole world will eat up a lot of space, so start with your local area or where you want to fly and expand from there.

Did I forget something? Remember that this is for beginners who just joined our ranks and not a in-depth guide on how to code a parallel matrix. =)
I am making this one in response to the many new members coming in to the facebook page XPNG where I am on the admin team.
I don’t want to overwhelm anyone but not leave essentials out so any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I will be expanding and updating this guide further.

Have a nice day, happy landings and blue skies! :)

Magnus Lorvik

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