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Laska prowadzi centrum z różnymi egzotycznymi zwierzakami. Zabrała wilczkowi żarełko i się zdenerwował. Cały opis z jej tłumaczeniem pod filmikiem yt:


Wolves and wolfdogs will challenge you. Unless you can remain as calm as I do in this video you will be killed or seriously injured. Ask yourself honestly if you can show no fear and stay calm through this attack. If the answer is no--- then wolves and wolfdogs are not for you.

This is reality. This is an educational video. This is not meant to demonize wolves. I have no fear of Lorne and we were playing again by the end of the night-- no hard feelings. This is a wild animal. An apex predator. Remain calm, balanced and show no fear-- or you are putting your life at risk.

Lorne was stung by a fire ant and re-directed his aggression at me. He grabbed me by my skull, sunk his teeth into me and dragged me into a corner. He had a good grip on me and I was bleeding profusely and of course in pain. He would have certainly ended my life in a quick second had I not remained calm.

It would not have been his fault. It would not have been my fault. It was miscommunication. Can you handle understanding that? That wolves are wild animals and you cannot change their nature. Are you willing to accept them for who they are? You have to in order to live with one or you are setting yourself up for a disaster.

I love Lorne with all my heart and I repeat: There is no hard feelings and I don't blame him. Fire ant bites hurt. Could you be this understanding and forgiving?

This video is very old now and Lorne has challenged me since and I love him all the same. Would you still love and keep him after this? Be honest with yourself and you will know if wolves and wolfdogs are for you.


To have a wolf, you must became a wolf.


I will likely not be answering questions or commenting on this video. I may do a follow up vlog and explain the situation in detail. I am aware this video will get a lot of negative comments questioning my ability as a behaviorist and my ability to handle wolves and wolfdogs in general. I do not care. This video is important for all the reasons I stated above. Thank you again for watching.

Respect the wolf. Always.

Thank you.

[ I will add also that it is very rare to capture something like this on film and I am putting this up for that purpose alone. Knowledge is power and videos do not lie.

This video is completely unedited and can serve to help others make decisions that are wise and help humans to help wolves better. It is a shame that the camera was knocked from my hands and that as he viciously attacked me it was knocked off at the moment the video cuts out. This is completely unedited.

But you can hear the intensity and I assure you that not many people would have gotten up and walked away from that; only to come back in the evening and play with him.

I am certainly not the only one capable of handling this situation without serious crippling injury and likely death-- and you reading this may be one of the rare people who could do what I did.

But again-- ask yourself-- are you one of the rare few percent that could? ]