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So true.

Work is the greatest affront and the greatest humiliation that humanity has committed against itself. This social system, capitalism is based on work; it has created a class of men who must work – and a class of men who do not work. Workers are compelled to work, otherwise they will die of hunger. ‘Whoever does not work shan’t eat’ profess the owners, who pretend furthermore that calculating and protecting their profits, is also to work.

Work is the great curse. It produces men without spirit and without soul.In order to make others work for one’s benefit, one must lack personality, and to work one must also lack personality; one must crawl and traffic, betray, deceive and falsify.For the rich idlers, the work (of the workers) is the means of providing oneself with an easy life. For the workers themselves it is a burden of misery, a bad fate imposed from birth, whch prevents them to live decently.When we will cease to work, then life will start for us.Work is the enemy of life. A good worker is a beast of burden, with rough legs, with a moronic and lifeless glance.When man will become conscious of life, he will never work again.

Z: http://eagainst.com/articles/for-work-is-a-crime-by-herman-j-schuurman-1924/

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