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Pierwsze komentarze użytkowników portalu Jalopnik po obejrzeniu #thegrandtour

It’s amazing how despite being nearly identical in structure and content, it works with these three doing it and no one else.

Well, I just finished it.
The car segments were really good.

i think they used too many video effects on the footage in what i think was a fear of the audience loosing interest.

Pros: My face hurts from smiling.
Cons: My face hurts from smiling.

It was everything I wanted it to be. And the VW joke was perfect.

I feel like the odd man out in that honestly, I expected more. Basically everything in the tent felt off. None of the jokes really landed for me.

Extravagant, cheesy, over-produced, irreverent and just plain ridiculous.
Fuckin’ perfect, I loved every second

Chyba wyszło całkiem dobrze.

#motoryzacja #topgear #staypremium
Pobierz PremiumMotopl - Pierwsze komentarze użytkowników portalu Jalopnik po obejrzeniu #theg...
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