Wpis z mikrobloga

People always end up the way they started out. No one ever changes. They think they do but they don't. If you're the depressed type now that's the way you'll always be. If you're the mindless happy type now, that's the way you'll be when you grow up. You might lose some weight, your face may clear up, get a body tan, breast enlargement, a sex change, it makes no difference.

Essentially, from in front, from behind. Whether you're 13 or 50, you will always be the same.

cytat z filmu Palindromes, użyty na końcu kawałka.

chodzi za mną ten kawałek od kilku dni.
Apati to była zajebista banda, mimo zerżnięcia riffów od innych zespołów na drugiej płycie xD I tak było to lepsze od oryginałów.

#dsbm #muzyka #postmetal