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Dostałem maila od znajomych nigeryjskiego księcia ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Treść poniżej...
Zastanawiam się na czym polega ten przekręt. Przecież pierwszy krok tej "legendy" miałby się odbyć przez przelanie kasy do ofiary - który oszust zaufa randomowi i przeleje mu cokolwiek? Chodzi o samo wykradanie danych i numeru konta?

Our Company is the biggest recruiting firm and we work all over Europe. We are pleased to offer you a free lance job in a home office with high profit more or less 5500 Euros per month!
We offer you a job in the famous European enterprise, who works in finance with different kinds of cryptocurrency operations and financial services. This Firm is hunting for co-workers all over Europe. If you can find a couple of days per week and 2-3 hours per these days our job is absolutely suit for you and your profit will be 5 000 thousand Euro and more monthly! Besides the huge preference of our job is that this sort of work does not interfere with your primary job. However we do not ask you any advance payment, and all extra charges will be totally covered by the company.
Here is a brief description of your job:
1. Our enterprise will transfer to your bank account the amount of money from 1000,00 EUR to 8000.00 EUR.
2. Our firm will send you all information about this transaction.
3. As fast as the amount of money appears on your bank account, you need to cash out the money.
4. 20% of this amount will be your profit. You just need to keep it.
5. 80% of the this received amount you need transfer to our partner.
6. If job is done quite right and on time we will talk over the time of the following task.
For this job you do not need any special skills, just a common knowledge of using e-mail and PC and as well smartphone skills. Also you need to be available by phone during working hours always - this is the main condition of the work. All necessary instructions you will get during the working process. For these reasons, this job is absolutely befit for retirees, housewives, students and for all who have the opportunity to combine the main work with this offered job to earn extra money.
You don't need to worry about the lawfulness of our business. Our firm always keep within the EU law in our business.
If you are interesting to cooperate with our company, please, contact us by email: Lourdes.Cuevas@gmx.com and we will contact you fast as can . And our HR-manager will answer all of your questions.

#spam #nigeryjskiprzekret #scam #internet
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@i_wtedy_sloik_pekl: Przekręt polega na tym, że w trakcie wynikną małe trudności i trzeba będzie płacić jakieś "opłaty manipulacyjne". Jak chcesz to się pobaw i odpisz. Nie muszę dodawać, żebyś nie wysyłał żadnych pieniążków...