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Thank you for ordering from Gearbest.

At Gearbest we are always here to help all our customers.

We have noticed that a Merchandize Chargeback Dispute has been opened on your payment.

Could you please let us know your issues with the order in detail?

You are a valuable customer to us and we rely on your honesty.

Please rest assured we are willing to help you in a professional and friendly manner.

Usually there is always a way for us to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

We would be grateful if you could reply us as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you very soon.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards

Gearbest Customer Service


Rozpocząłem procedurę chargeback w banku i po jakimś czasie dostałem taką wiadomość od gearbest. Oni chcą żebym ich poinformował o decyzji banku czy co?
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