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There's a Man in the Woods

Świetna animacja(studencka), z bardzo silną metaforą i przesłaniem.
#film #animacja #animacje

There's a man in the woods
What a spectacle
Before the story started, this school was still respectable.

My students used to skip down the hill to the honeysuckle
Pluck a couple and collect their nectar til they picked their fill.

Except one obnoxious kid, Sid
Who just watched them eat the flowers while he scythed and scoured
Because he couldn't bear to share his sweet treats through our recess hour.

I remember Sid saying,
"There's a man in the woods!"
That's how the rumours began.

Of course, Sid had spotted him first
The poor kids, he got them immersed in his spiel about a serial killer whose gun barrel glint hence of peril.

A visit to the nurse, or worse
A hearse, waiting just beyond the dale
The children saw him everywhere.

"Look, over there! That man had Batman ears, we--we swear!
And crazy yellow eyes!
We saw something rusty; his shotgun, it must be!
I saw a lady's severed thigh!" Trust me.

Every word I heard was absurd
Yet each day Sid went straight down way past the playground
Who else was brave enough to save us from the killer's next plot?

The rest of the lot would stop back at the blacktop
Sure that at any closer, they were bound to be found deep in the woods
Left to rot.

I pleaded for the kids to think and learn to be mature
But after a few more rumours doomed my attempts to prove the school was secure
Their fear was undeterred.

And when the buses drove them all home
The parents finally heard 
Everything just blew up.

I received a wall of emails and calls
Full of shrieks, wails and all
From terrified families who heard word of the murderer
And didn't like my lack of action at all.

voice gradually increases in intensity
What was I supposed to do?
Comb the whole forest?
Yeah, right, would you?

That means I didn't care?
That's not fair
The stories that worried you weren't true.

Of course I would feel regret
Had there been a real threat and I ignored it.
And some poor kid got kidnapped 
While the kids were napping.

But you couldn't admit that your good little kid
Would formulate a fib
So you ignored what I said

Your little angels could never cook up such incredible creations
"An over-active imagination, maybe, but my kid could never lie."
How dare I?

Accuse a child of being dishonest?
Just monstrous.

The parents were displeased
And when the PTA took action, they dismissed me from the classroom.
Why, they knew what was best for their kids!

voice quickly getting even more intense
Do you know how difficult it is to get a job
When a bitter mom splatters your rep with child neglect from the outset?
Now who's in control of your classes?

"Single-file lines."
Single-file lines, little vile swine, a killer by the pines!
Really, are you blind? Will you find your spines?!

Sid, a child, decides to fill our minds with lies
And the next thing you see is people treating me like I've committed crimes
I was in my prime!

Those kids were lucky to have me
Do you see what you did?

voice lowers intensity
But I can play along...
I can be good.
Do you hear that, Sid?

There's a man in the woods.
m.....l - There's a Man in the Woods

Świetna animacja(studencka), z bardzo silną m...