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Dear Customer, Thanks for your kind support! The coupon promotion which took place on 23th of October was extremely popular with our users that the limited supply of coupons have all been given away. At the same time, a system error occurred which caused these coupons couldn't be use for a time. JD always keep the promise, thus we decide to make all of the coupons were obtained during the promotion can be used with the old coupon rules and we will ship out orders payed according to the old coupon rules. We apologized for the inconvenience and hope you can enjoy shopping on JD as usual. In order to response to the enthusiasm of our customers, we decided to restart the coupon promotion with new coupon rules on October 27th. Click to #!$%@?: http://en.jd.com/activities/referafriendcoupon.html The promotion is only valid for legitimate users who invite their friends to sign up on JD Website by sending their personal referral code to their friends. In case of any actions against the promotion rules and user Terms and Conditions.or actions aimed at obtaining additional benefits by irregular behavior,JD reserves the right to final interpretation of activity rules or take legal action. Thank you "
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@support: Wróciły wcześniej kupony wszystkim? Bo zastanawiam się czy mi nie oddali czy nie zdążyłem na działające.:) Multikont nie zakładałem, ale z 5 osób w pracy się zarejestrowało z tego samego IP.