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Prosto z festiwalu w Wenecji pojawiły się recenzje nadchodzącego filmu z Johnnym Deppem w roli głównej: Black Mass. Sam film oceniany jest mocno pozytywnie, ale o wiele ciekawsze są opinie o samym aktorze:

tl;dr dla tych którym się nie chciało uczyć angielskiego: Johnny Depp swoją rolą w Black Mass powróci do łask wielu osób, udowadniając że kiedyś, zanim stał się klaunem Tima Burtona był fenomenalnym aktorem. To bez wątpienia jego rola życia, bez porównania z poprzednimi na jego dorobku. Przechodzi kompletną transformację i w każdej sekundzie gdy jest na ekranie dominuje całą scenę.


Long-time Depp fans who might have lately given up hope of his doing something interesting anytime soon will especially appreciate his dive into the deep end here to personify genuine perfidy in the guise of legendary hoodlum James "Whitey" Bulger. [...] Depp, who takes control of the proceedings from the outset and never yields it, except for when he disappears for a while in the second half. He's as charismatic as his character must be, fully convincing and frightening as his Bulger toys with friends and enemies alike to keep them guessing, hides his true intentions and dishes out punishment at an alarming rate. Depp's instinct for observing, underlaying and keeping things in, then letting it all out when required, pays big dividends here in a performance far more convincing than his previous big gangster role, John Dillinger in Michael Mann's Public Enemies.; it's unexpected, very welcome at this point in his career, and one of his best. The bottom line is: Depp shines in a solid gangster biopic.


Depp more than rises to the occasion, doing career-best work as a man who might easily have been played for ghoulish caricature (a la Jack Nicholson in “The Departed”), but instead emerges as a complex, undeniably charismatic figure who draws other criminals and lawmen alike into his cult of sociopathic personality. [...]Depp hasn’t been this tamped down in a movie since he played second fiddle to Al Pacino in “Donnie Brasco”; even his Oscar-nominated J.M. Barrie in “Finding Neverland” seems a whirl of outsized tics and mannerisms by comparison. Even great actors (Nicholson and Pacino being among the perfect test cases) can fall back on indulgences and bad habits when they feel they’re giving the audience what it wants to see. But Depp is fully restored here to the daring, inspired performer of his early Tim Burton collaborations and “Dead Man,” knowing he is so deep inside the role that, whatever he does, we will come to him. The violence in “Black Mass,” when it comes, is swift and brutal, but nothing here is more startling than a single, sudden dart of Bulger’s eyes across a room.

Black Mass od października w Polsce.

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Joz - Prosto z festiwalu w Wenecji pojawiły się recenzje nadchodzącego filmu z Johnny...
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