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O co chodzi w zamieszkach/wojnie w Turcji ? Wyjaśnienie kolegi z #izmir


the problem is, this is just a game

a scenario well played by our government

they want to convert our system (republican) into state system where erdogan will be the president

yet they need 400 ministers out of 560

and they couldnt get it in the last elections 2 months ago

now they are trying to create a "patriot" image in the eyes of society

in order to raise their votes in the early elections coming up within 1-2 months

you know what our president told in one conference? "give us 400 ministers, so we can have peace"

most people thought this was a threat, its like he's saying

give us 400 ministers or we'll start some shit in the country

and since the elections our country is in a disturbed state

damn I hate politics, politicians and their interests

Trochę mi to przypomina stan wojenny >_<, ale to tylko takie moje wolne przemyślenia.
#turcja #isis