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@Sudokuu: Nope, mam wersję z gogu, on dostanie pacz później, ale przegladałem patch note i nie ma tam tego buga. Jest o dwukliku, ale nie o loadingu.
Przeszukuje forum pod kątem tego buga, bo kiedyś widziałem o tym wątek.
Znalazłem póki co to: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72764-quick-saving-and-loading-times-increased-greatly-after-20-hours/?hl=%2Bslow+%2Bload+%2Bsave

A niektórym pomaga wyłączenia autosavea: http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/14/?
Ale nie sądze żeby to była pomoc na naszą przypadłość.
@Sudokuu: So, testing with the portrait files, after moving the folder from its place:

It does nothing with existing characters other than changing the portrait to a red exclamation point since the pngs doesn't exist anymore.
If you create a new character after removing the portrait files, It eliminates the freezing (portrait selection during chargen, open main character inventory, change main character gear and right at the end of a loading
@Sudokuu: Okay so I am unsure if this solution has been posted before but I just did this and it has stopped all lag via inventory, audio during conversations and portrait selection. All I did was disable my ethernet adapter through device manager. If you are using wireless I suggest you disconnect. Once I am disconnected to the internet the game works perfect, let me know if it works for you!
@Sudokuu: U mnie zadziałało ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



I didn't have this issue myself, but I was looking into it for my room mate that I share the flat with.

We knew almost for certain it had to be something with the configuration of the computer and not the hardware, because we have the same computers! I have no issues at all, he has