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Ostatnio #4konserwy podniecają się raportem z krajów UE o przemocy wobec kobiet, a konkretniej jego skróconą wersją i wynikiem wywiadów z Polski. Do pełnej wersji raportu żaden nie zajrzy, a tam czytamy:

Polki nie przyznają, że są ofiarami przemocy i mamy o 13 punktów procentowych więcej przypadków kończących się obrażeniami od średniej w UE.

In some EU Member States, there are comparatively low rates of partner violence alongside relatively high levels of incidents coming to the attention of the police. This may suggest that in these countries respondents were willing to disclose in the survey only those incidents which were fairly serious and therefore more likely to come to the attention of the police. For example, in Austria and Poland, compared with other EU Member States, respondents were less likely to say that they have been victims of partner violence, but in over 60% of cases the most serious incident of partner violence had resulted in injuries. (...) Therefore respondents in Denmark were more likely to identify as the most serious incident a case which did not result in injuries, whereas respondents in Poland - a country which at first glance has a low rate of partner violence - suffered injuries an a majority of cases. Strona 63 http://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra-2014-vaw-survey-main-results-apr14_en.pdf

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@GangrenaM: i gdzie tam jest o tym, że Polki nie przyznają, że są ofiarami przemocy?

Therefore respondents in Denmark were more likely to identify as the most serious incident a case which did not result in injuries, whereas respondents in Poland - a country which at first glance has a low rate of partner violence - suffered injuries an a majority of cases.

tutaj jest napisane tylko tyle, że ludzie
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