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Nie ma czegoś takiego jak ciągła motywacja.Jest tylko nawyk i dyscyplina.

Motywacja jest tylko przelotnym uczuciem, krótkotrwałą chwilą. Można się zmotywować na mecz, a prawdziwym killerem w życiu jest realizowanie celów małymi krokami - bez wymówek i automatycznie.


Hey man I am working towards the same thing and in the past couple of months I've gone from not even being able to do basic things to keep afloat (chores and stuff) to finishing all my schoolwork in time while juggling all kinds of other extracurricular activities..

I've listened to audiobooks, watched motivational talks on YouTube and subscribed to /r/motivational[1] . It's all bullshit. These things give you a short rush of that feeling of motivation that arises from your wish to have already done what you wanted to get done, which is (among the other things they promise you) being disciplined.

Motivation is like a passionate fleeting obsession with someone and you have a lot of sex and you are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions and everyone thinks it's the real deal but no. What you want is discipline, not motivation. Discipline is like that wife that is also your best friend. You can trust her everyday, you like the same things and your friends like her. She makes you better everyday. And one day you can be a fulfilled old man like Morgan Freeman.

Motivation is a fleeting feeling. Like all feelings, they come and go but you can never rely on them being there. You are trying to get away from just being slave to what you feel like doing. You wanna be able to say 'I'm doing XYZ today' and go out and do it. No matter how you feel, no matter what the weather is like.

And that's discipline. And you can only get discipline in one way: make a plan and work hard on sticking to it. It will feel shit - uncomfortable and against your will many many times. But train discipline and you become your own best friend.

So here are a few things I've learned

1) plan your everyday a day ahead. Yeah, even the most boring habits you already have and like, write down 'going to class' even though you go to class on that day every week. Plan in 15 minutes to plan tomorrow, while you're at it. This will empower you to choose all the things you wanna do the next day and you will respect yourself more the more you see your written goals put into action the next day.

2) when you hear yourself think 'uh not feeling it, not doing that today' your alarm bells gotta ring! That means your mind is actively fighting your old habits and they are winning! So if something feels uncomfortable in that moment, you have to do it even more! It's like fighting a fat mob that will give you more exp. And when you've done that you will soak in that amazing feel of self-respect, it's even better than doing something you feel like doing.

3) don't have those days when 'you turn it off'. Whenever you fail for a day or a couple, you will feel shitty about that and you'll want to procrastinate getting back on the good track. Don't do this! No day is dependent of another, you can plan tomorrow everyday! Don't beat yourself up, just get back to your calendar. She will forgive you everyday no matter how badly you let her down.

4) When you find yourself not doing what you're supposed to do, take a reset. Put on your shoes, walk outside and take 5 minutes to develop a plan b for your day. Go back, quit what you've been doing and follow plan b. Make this your habit. It's a superpower that let's you interrupt yourself in a bad situation to go and focus on what needs to be done.

5) put in the preparation. Plan time to prepare everything. The more you prepare the more likely you are to do something. So prepare gym clothes at night. Better yet, get a locker on campus and find a way to make it so easy for you that you just need to show up somewhere. Like cooking. When you buy your groceries, cut all the veggies for days and marinade meats. You will want to follow your plan to cook it and it will save you time. The more you prep the easier everything else gets. So plan in prepping. And a lot of times you'll find yourself prepping so far ahead that you won't need to prep again for a long time. Prep your coffee with a timer, prep your homework by copying everything needed in one folder and prep your morning routine by lying out clothes, keys, wallet in one spot. Without prep, things fall apart. (if that happens, go back to 3)

Books that have helped me: 'the power of habit' and 'managing your every day' .

Good luck, mate

#motywacja #rozwojosobisty #reddit
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@erykwks: a co do planowania dnia kiey próbowałem i zawsze miałem problem z rozpisaniem czasowym w przypadku gdy musze zrobić projekt. I nie wiem ile może mi to zająć od 2 do kilku godzin więc wtedy cały grafik idzie się kochać.

Macie jakąś rade na to?
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@Ned: Za to u mnie dobrze działa rozpisanie ram czasowych dla krótkich zadań, które mam skłonność przeciągać. Np napisanie i wysłanie jakiegoś maila. Wyznaczasz sobie np. 15 minut, na za 15 minut planujesz start kolejnego zadania i jazda.
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@erykwks: Bardzo dobry wpis.

Motivation is like a passionate fleeting obsession with someone and you have a lot of sex and you are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions and everyone thinks it's the real deal but no. What you want is discipline, not motivation. Discipline is like that wife that is also your best friend. You can trust her everyday, you like the same things and your friends like
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