Various Japanese zoos have been collaborating with Kemono Friends and hosting special events. It’s been working, as social media has been showing an increase in zoo visits. The Tobu Zoo was hoping to bring otaku and children alike to their exhibits, but they accidentally turned one of their penguins into an otaku…

Each exhibit pairs a Kemono Friend character with their real life counterpart. Grape-kun, a 20-year old penguin, literally fell
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#randomanimeshit #emperorpenguin #gentoopenguin #humboldtpenguin #rockhopperpenguin #royalpenguin
#kemonofriends miało być najgorszym anime w historii, a tu średnia na MALu poszybowała z początkowego 4.0 (około) do 7.77 i prawdopodobnie jeszcze wzrośnie
a ludzie myśleli że trolluje gry próbowałem im polecać ten tytuł ;(
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