- recesja recesja
- detokstyle detokstyle
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- washington washington
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- Scarfacee Scarfacee
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- fz-fx fz-fx
- mamhaslo mamhaslo
- hufsa hufsa
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- tomekx11994 tomekx11994
- wrzucam_koty_i_przegrywam wrzucam_koty_i_przegrywam
- TruecelZzaSwiatow TruecelZzaSwiatow
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- reniuuu5 reniuuu5
- jezdzilemmercemipalilempopularne jezdzilemmercemipalilempopularne
- Pokojowa Pokojowa
- testme testme
- nikotymek nikotymek
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- inetak inetak
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- zielonykszak zielonykszak
- There is an idea, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory and though. I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable. I simply am not there.