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UEFA vice-president Zbigniew Boniek on the AZ Alkmaar-Legia Warsaw incident:
"This is a major scandal. First of all, what happens inside the stadium is on the organizer, whose responsibility is to ensure total safety for everyone in there. They have failed in this regard. The Alkmaar organizers are also wrong. I absolutely do not believe that Josue and Pankov suddenly came out and started fighting with security for no reason. Let's face it, it happened half an hour after the match, the players were already leaving for the bus. Besides, what does it mean that the stadium is closed off and some players were on the bus while others were being locked up? This is completely unacceptable. However, the worst thing is what happened to President Dariusz Mioduski. Because President Mioduski is not an ordinary president, he is a well-known president, especially in the Netherlands, because his closest collaborator in the ECA organization was Edvin van der Sar. So Dariusz is not a man whose face is difficult to remember. This is a guy who has all the most important identification to enter anywhere, and he's suddenly stopped and told: 'You can't go any further.' On what basis? What were the owners and CEOs of AZ Alkmaar doing at that moment? If I invite someone to a match, I am responsible for their safety from the moment they enter the stadium until they leave the facility. I have to take care of him, I have to give him protection. This is a guy to whom nothing can happen to. They may have failed to fulfill their duties somewhere, but I have not heard of them sending Dariusz any letter or letter in which they would apologize for what happened."

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