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With the Police having from the beginning focused on specific persons in the case, the news that a citizen accidentally found the 27-year-old's cellphone - which had been thrown in Marmari - brought new evidence and sent the police a step closer to her scenario murder. And this is because the SIM card had been removed from the mobile phone of the 27-year-old girl. That is, someone or some people wanted to disappear evidence. The girl didn't accidentally lose her cell phone... The mobile phone was found close to the house where the foreigner lived, who is being held as a suspect in the girl's disappearance.

Telefon Anastazji z wyjętą simką znaleziony niedaleko domu aresztowanego 32-latka. Pewnie nie wniesie to dużo do znalezienia ciała, no ale niby 32-latek już pęka w zeznaniach i się plącze co do tych śladów zadrapań na jego ciele. W jednej wersji telefon znalazł ochroniarz jakiegoś budynku/pustostanu, w drugiej ktoś na spacerze z psem... Ciekawi tylko ta wyjęta SIMka...

During the interrogation, scratches and signs of struggle were found on the body of the 32-year-old. He told the police that all this came from a serious car accident he had. When the police persisted and started asking him when and where this traffic accident took place, he according to Alpha began to fall into contradictions that troubled him.

Przetłumaczone z greckiego na angielski

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@Tfor: było info, że telefon znalazł ktoś pod sklepem gdzie była widziana ostatni raz i zgłosił to na policję.
Laska zaginęła w poniedziałek a w tak ruchliwym miejscu telefon się znalazł w piątek/sobotę? Albo ktoś go tam podrzucił albo ktoś go zajumal wcześniej ale się obsral jak sprawa zaczęła być medialna.