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@Pan_Adi: P+R Meerhoven, about 50 meters away.

This is how P+R Meerhoven
Follow the signs for P+R Meerhoven from the highway
Park your car at P+R Meerhoven
You will receive a parking ticket upon entering. Keep it carefully! You will need this to pay on return.
You buy a bus ticket for 0.50 euros per person (return) at the payment terminal in the P+R Kiosk (maximum
@franek-figurka: Jak chcesz zaparkowac blisko lotnistka za friko to mozesz stanac na ulicy o tu: Marinus van Meelweg 15-5, 5657 EN Eindhoven. Jest to strefa przemyslowa, ale czy warto zostawiac autko bez opieki na pare dni w szemranym miejscu to ocen sam. Ja zazywczaj zostawiam na P+R i jade busem.