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#shitcoin #kryptowaluty bitcoin #ethereum #scamereum #shitereum
Przejrzałem bazę scamów na coincurb i zebrałem te shitcoiny, które kojarzę z lat poprzednich.
Niektóre nawet miałem, choć to trochę wstyd... Wszystkie miały zajebisty marketing, a niektóre były też shillowane na wykopie (Amelek approved!). W każdym razie wybór shitów jest mocno subiektywny i ma charakter wspominkowy. Dla mnie w każdym razie ciekawa lektura, może dla kogoś też...

BitConnect | It was the most successful Ponzi-scheme in crypto so far. After the team announced to close their platform, everyone tried to sell their coins and the price dropped from $320 to $20 in only 24 hours. The scam was so successful that some people are still trading with their BCC and the coin has still a value of $2 atm.

Bitconnectx | After the first attempt with bitconnect, the same team repeats the scam. Thanks to all contributors, a hug strong.

Oyster | “Store data in the IOTA tangle” was the catchphrase for this coin which exit scammed on October 30th, 2018. Oyster PRL creator exits scammed with 300,000$ after breaching smart contracts to print 3 million coins. Price then crashed. Exit SCAM One of the PRL team printed an additional million coins and sold them on KUCOIN.

CoEval | Monkey Capital had a huge ICO marketing ramp up, the coin was dumped on the WAVES platform. Daniel Harrison and the company ran off with the money. Class action currently in progress. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH “COVAL”, a different project entirely. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/updated-notice-on-lawsuit-against-monkey-capital-ico-and-daniel-harrison-300611290.html

DasCoin | Ponzi scheme project, a copy of OneCoin

indaHash | https://www.spidersweb.pl/e/indahash-praca-opinie-pracownikow after 6 months they still didn’t tokenize the entire influencer market and, lack of professional communication, price drops ab 97% from ICO and also they don’t make buyback program as they promise.

Kabutocoin | A guy from Poland wanted to fund a new country – Kabuto and was collecting capital to buy an island. xD

fervicoin | just troll coin. | https://www.wykop.pl/wpis/31911449/co-myslicie-o-czyms-takim-1-fervicoin-powiedzmy-xd/

No dobra @fervi to wstawiam tylko dla jaj, bo po prostu było na coincurbie. Nie stawiam tego na poziomie kabuto i dascoina ;)

Centra | Touted as (sic) “WORLD’S FIRST MULTI-BLOCKCHAIN DEBIT CARD & SMART INSURED WALLET”, the cards never materialized as there allegedly never was any formal agreement in place with either the VISA or MasterCard companies. The founders were eventually charged with running a fraudulent unregistered investment scheme (https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-53) with their ICO, and with providing faked biographies of purported executives of their company.

MobileGO | The confirmed scam operated by Sergey Sholom & Maxim Sholom. Exposed by Jack Kuveke in AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameCredits/comments/92warz/jack_kuveke_july_30th_transparency_ama/

Gochain | Gochain claims to be 100x faster than Ethereum, greener, and more decentralized. However, the node network of this coin is almost entirely run by the founders themselves as can be seen on the following network monitor: https://stats.gochain.io – The founders recently announced that an ICO called Etherprise would be launched on the Gochain network, yet, it was discovered that this ICO was conducted by almost the exact same team. The CEO Jason Dekker makes bold claims such as drawing in the Billions worth of ICOs, and weeks ago announced that Gochain will partner with a top 10 market cap company. When asked about this by the community he repeatedly tries to avoid the question by just stating that he is working on a number of partnerships. When told that the community understand nondisclosure agreements and purely want to know if this partnership is still on the table, he just avoids the question once again. Last but not least, Telegram members who ask deeper questions around who earns what by running nodes on the network get banned. This is a project with no transparency. This is a group of people who tries to woo innocent people with “swag”, i.e free t-shirts in order to cover up what really goes on below the surface.

ShipChain | Coin, shilled by the famous scammer and pseudo trader WolfOfPoloniex. They ran funding through his discord, selling to clueless paying members of his. The coin is a useless money grab. Daily volume is 500 bucks – less than the price of the Huawei phone. It is just dead!

Rchain | A scam orchestrated by Greg Meredith, formerly from Synereo. Greg purchased a $20m+ Music App/Codec that he was actually an insider on, spent over a million on a house that he called the “R-House”, and $5000 on a Cappucino Machine. Full story here https://www.geekwire.com/2019/boom-bust-blockchain-rchain-cooperatives-cryptocurrency-dreams-dissolve-controversy/ .. Millions of Dollars stolen, all the while strung along by Kenny Rowe and Greg Meredith. They paid Vlad Zamfir millions to be apart of the project and to validate the scam. The best part was that their initial tag line was “Radically Transparent”

ELASTOS | Elastos team run out of funds they raised in ICO after multiple unsuccessful pumps failed to stabilize the price. Angel investors dumped it from $80 to $2 following an altercation with founders. A lawsuit filed on NewYork supreme court alleging mismanagement and fraud.

Veritaseum | Promises to reduce the costs of exchanging precious metals, which only buy and sell and buy again and lose like 25% in commissions. xD

Obsidian | The result of an elaborate ICO Scam. Perpetrated by the oroginal core team of Jordan Schneider aka Sagemark; after making money scamming people woth Worldcoin and Takcoin (DYOR) sagemark teamed up with a German developer name Claus (Blackstone) and a few other bad actors named Alan and Shad. They bilked investors with the promise of a blockchain based private messenger which none of them had the ability to build. After the successful ICO they quickly formed stratis (paid Dan Gershony massive amount cause again, they’re not blockchain devs) then proceeded to PUMP and shill for months. Never building anything but promises. The distribution from ICO have them 60% of the 100kk supply. CMC was given lies for supply that still to this day have not been corrected. And then after all this they went silent. Disappeared. Only sign of them was constantly dumping Odn in market sells on Cryptopia. Millions of dumps. Driving the price to less than nothing. All the investors were left with useless bags. ODN and the team behind it are the epitome of the ICO scams of 2017.

MoneyToken | Came up with big expectations to give loan and ended up scamming people. Blocking every investors on telegram and buying telegram users to look good for ousiders. Its been a year and no work been done no updates . Ceo left the company No AMA nothing. Pure scam raised 38 million dollars in ICO 1 year back and did absolutely no work. Pure Scam. Dont even look to invest.

District0x | Coin hires a team to make it seem like they have updates and progress. But the original team is gone and cashed out already with ICO money. Team soft-exit scammed.

AION | Project no longer supported by team (originally outsourced to cheap chinese / indian labor). TRS mechanism is printing free aion airdrops for 3 years which has brought the project to -99.33%. The scammers have been dumping “free” aion on binance every month between the 16th-18th. Class action lawsuit filed in canada.

Morpheus.Network | SCAM coin, supposedly they got hacked in the beginning and performed a token swap, leaving early investors with their shitty token in the dust. Just read the comments from this article https://medium.com/p/335c890ed97b/responses/show (there are many more all over the web). If you find this token do not invest in it!

Blockcat | All team members left Blockcat without notice. The CEO Eric Huang is unreachable by any means. Not responding to messages (e.g. in Discord). This has all the signs of an exit scam.

PIVX | Fake stake exploit. We wanted to place it under the “Hack” category, however it seems that the PIVX developers were already aware of the exploit and there’s been allegations that the PIVX developers were using the exploit for their own profits, and there are possibilities that these devs could’ve exploited the other 200+ PIVX forks out there for their own profits.

DimCoin | Platform that enables the purchase of global stocks through DimCoin. Works on top of NEM.
Proof and detailed story of scam: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5118150.0

No dobra, to wstawiam, bo mnie rozśmieszyło xD
Hex | Trades Ethereum for a valueless coin with no pragmatic usage. Buyers are made unable to sell, and Richard Heart is laughing on a beach with millions worth of Ethereum.

Skycoin | CEO of the company says that they need up to a year to reorganize the company in recent updates. Most employees have been fired. Most community projects that were funded by Skycoin have been shut down. Community members are doing things like attempting to liquidate their SKY and SCH assets by doing things like selling cotton socks and VPS services. Few codes commits few social media updates, constant timeline delays.

Dragonchain | Project failed to deliver. Fired staff and closed down offices. No customers, and no funds left.

Factom | The company behind this coin appeared in 2014 and raised $140,000 through the sale of its Factoid tokens in 2015. Since its founding, Factom has collected approximately $16 million in funding.
On 2 April 2020, the firm’s biggest investor, FastForward, disclosed that Factom is now facing liquidation after unsuccessful attempts to secure additional funding.

Epic Cash | Epic Cash is for all practical purposes a copy of BitGrin with some different mining algorithms and an emission schedule with a higher volume release early on. Grin’s chief architect, John Tromp, essentially pointed this out a while back, although Max Freeman likes to preach that Epic is much different. Of course, that’s after it was pointed out the BitGrin came first. Max originally claimed that the idea was his all alone. The Grin team, according to him, were a bunch of arrogant communists, and Beam “just didn’t have it figured out right.” Max would say that within 2 – 3 years Epic Cash would overtake Ripple and Ethereum on the market cap list.

Wayan Garvey goes by the name Max Freeman. He claimed he was leading an entirely volunteer based project. Yet it had paid employees. Where did that money come from? Surely not from volunteers. As mentioned here, one individual by the name of Bret (MethodX) was conned out of $100k. This person was a long-time business contact of Wayan Garvey’s from the office consumables industry which Garvey’s company, Impro Group, operates. Wayan also fleeced Larry Huneycutt of Carolina Wholesale, CEO of Arlington and the 800 lb gorilla of the office consumables trading world, for over $1 million.

Wayan claimed he’d secured around $20 million in investment from PE heavyweights. He even claimed to have liaised with Richard Branson and company on Necker Island.

At the same time Wayan recruited a number of contributors to the project to work as full time paid employees. People from the US, to Latin America, Eastern Europe, West Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia were all brought on and eventually not paid. One of Garvey’s childhood friends is claimed to have advised for the Epic Cash project and written the whitepaper. He apparently had an excess of $20k in pay defaulted on. The former Treasurer and board member of the Epic Blockchain Foundation, a non-profit organization (yes, you read that correctly) which is the parent company of Epic Cash, Cathal Haughian, was also not paid. Due to this and his moral qualms with the mounting pile of defaulted loans that Wayan had amassed spurred Cathal to resign from his position and relinquish his seat at the board.

Jason Seibert, the legal counsel and 3rd board member for the Epic Blockchain Foundation also resigned, stating his refusal to represent the project given Wayan’s steadfast intent on violating securities laws.

Indeed Wayan Garvey intended (and probably still intends) to violate security laws as he’s expressed his intent (written documents exist) to hyperinflate the value of EC using a new cutting edge trading bot in concert with stablecoins and DEXs. That trading bot was to come from Covario (covar.io), a company lead by former Goldman Sachs employees, one of whom Garvey attended prep school with, and the other thee chief architect of Epic Cash. There is a paper trail substantiating Garvey’s claim that he invested somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million.

Wayan Garvey’s longtime company, Impro Group, has been plagued with lawsuits raised by Xerox for Impro’s encouragement of contract violation and purchase of goods deemed illegal on the 2nd hand market. Impro Group had warehouses that burned down twice within 2 years of each other. The first, fortuitously, incinerated a vast stock of obsolete product. Together, major concerns of insurance fraud have been raised.

Impro Group is known to have employed a large team of over 100 workers in Chisinau, Moldova. Many of those were fired without pay as their jobs were already replaced by less expensive staff in Madurai, India. Many of those, as it would work out, ended up doing the heavy lifting for the Epic Cash programming.

And the list goes on…

Why does all this matter? It matters because Wayan Garvey is the owner of the dev tax wallet. By sometime in 2021 he’ll have accrued over 1 million Epic Cash tokens, earned off of the unpaid labor of “volunteers” from countries like Bangladesh and Indonesia. There exists no oversight committee on the appropriation of the dev tax funds. 2 of the 3 board members resigned. Only Garvey still exists. For someone who so stinks of a long history of fraud, and who has specifically claimed and hired people to design a plan to inflate the value of his coin, to lay claim to 8% of mining rewards, that puts all investors in this coin at risk. You have been warned…
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@Cryptonerd_io: ło kurczaki... po dzisiejszych cenach BTC to już nawet tego nie przeliczaj xD Coevala też miałem ale wtopiłem skromniej ~1 BTC. Nie wiem czy 2017 r. był wyjątkowy w skali historycznej, czy po prostu teraz nie śledzę już tak rynku nowości, ale wtedy ludzie zachowywali się jak skończeni debile i wrzucali $ dosłownie we wszystko. Ja też xD
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