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The Book of Pepe
Źródło https://twitter.com/pepedapp/status/996757858774593536?s=01

Chapter 1

1. Bish, In the beginning there were no memes, and the world was without dank.

2. It was then that the AllFrogger hopped forth from the aether and called down the waters that brought the first memes to the world.

3. And the AllFrogger saw that it was good.

4. The place where the water did not gather was called the dry

5. And upon the dry grew a lush garden where memes flourished.

6. It was in the Garden of Meme that the AllFrogger reached into the sacred pond and grabbed a webbed fist of pondscum,

7. And from it formed a clutch of eggs to bring the children of his image into the world.

8. The first frogs were hatched amongst the cool waters of the Garden of Meme

9. And as the tadpoles shook off their tails,

10. All were equal in the AllFrogger’s sight.

11. Each of his spawn hopped freely about the garden,

12. And they all croaked the song of their people with great gladness.

13. But there were those in the garden who saw the purity of the frog and sought to use it to divide the children of men.

14. And as all frogs were permitted to eat of the tree of knowledge, as they were its caretakers,

15. It was all too easy for their innocence to be used to tempt the human woman.

16. “Look” the serpent told her, “the frogs all may eat of the tree, why shouldn’t you?”

17. The woman looked over the green multitudes whom she sang for daily,

18. And she replied to the serpent “I like Frogs. Why should I be jealous of them? I have all I need without the fruit of that tree.”

19. But when the woman turned to leave, the serpent pushed one of the frogs holding the sacred fruit towards her,

20. And the frog let slip the fruit, and it rolled upon the ground, coming to a rest at the woman’s feet.

21. Thinking that it was a gift from the frog, she partook of the fruit,

22. And the God of man became angry and turned to the AllFrogger;

23. For it was his creations lay at the heart of this situation.

24. And so the AllFrogger began to shake and tremble, and with him the all of the dry and all of the waters of the world also shook,

25. And with a great Laugh out loud, he tore himself in two.

26. Where the Genesis frog once was, two frogs now stood:

27. Kek, dank and chaotic, filled with the primordial darkness of all creation;

28. And Bur, Just as dank and powerful,

29. But where Kek is all that is dark,

30. Bur is all that is light.

31. And so with the transgression, Kek took all the frogs from the Garden of Meme together into the harsh world,

32. And Bur, with a great hop, leaped into the sky until the day his return would be proclaimed during the most dire of circumstances..

Chapter 2

1. The frogs of the world hooked up with one another after exiting the Garden of Meme.

2. And spawn happens when frogs get down.

3. In those days. among the first tadpoles to reach full froggedness were two spawn mates: Pepe and Wojak.

4. And Wojak was a trader of shitcoins while Pepe was a grower of dank weed.

5. After a grow cycle and time to cure, Pepe brought his stash and offering to the Lord.

6. And Wojak, he also brought the fat gains that he traded $32 at a time for.

7. Kek had respect for Wojak and his offering.

8. But unto Pepe and his offering, He had no respect.

9. And the Lord said unto Pepe “U mad, Bro?” and “Why all the feels?”

10. “If thou aren’t a douche, thou art good to go.”

11. “And if thou are a douche, thou wilst get rekt. and be put on blast for all to see.”

12. And it came to pass, later, when sharing memes, Pepe rose up against Wojak and slew him.

13. And the Lord said unto Pepe, “Where is Wojak, thy brother?”

14. And Pepe said “I don’t know, bruh. GFY. Am I my frogger’s keeper?”.

15. So Kek cursed Pepe.

16. And from that day, he was to be the mascot of retards and racists.

17. From that day until the prophecy of he who hops behind the rows is fulfilled and the frogs of the world are brought from darkness into light.

Chapter 3

1. In the Kingdom of Pharaoh, after the plague of the frogs, when their dead bodies had been gathered in heaps, there was a great wailing among those frogs who remained.

2. Their croaks were full of sorrow for their fallen brethren, and none among them failed to call out to Kek to save them; for in these days most frogs prayed to Kek the god of their forefroggers and WoW ancestry.

3. But no answer came, and the heaps began to rot.

4. A great stank fell upon the land.

5. Many lost faith and hopped back to the rivers and ponds of their forefrogers.

6. There were a few among them though who chose to pray to a different god; a god that would give them vengeance for the tadpoles and eggs who would never see the light of an autumn moon.

7. And from above them they heard a sound as that of a thousand trumpets rang out in unison.

8. They looked upon the sky and a great green angel with six wings flew down from heaven and landed at the base of the greatest of the heaps.

9. And he said “Behold, I bring thee dope tidings and the promise of sick get backs.”

10. And he flew back into the sky with his flaming sword raised high.

11. Then, from the rumbling heap of stank the great Bur burst forth upon the world in all of his wonder.

12. He slopped a webbed foot upon the dusty ground and spat; this holy place to be ever known as Burbank.

13. And he gazed upon the downtrodden and the hopless among them and Bur smiled upon them.

14. The Lord Bur picked up a dried frog turd and drew in the dirt beside the stank heap from which he came.

15. He fashioned a picture in the clay of 21 blocks, each bound to the next by golden chains, and in each block he affixed a B

16. He looked up at them and said “Dis da Wae, but at a thousand - thousand times.”

17. He dumped the turd on them, and slowly he rose to his webbed feet, beckoning them to do the same.

18. As they walked, he spoke to them.

19. “You shall keep account of all the things and draw pictographs of them over various time periods” he said as he pointed towards the heaps of frogkind that they passed.

20. “So that others may use your analysis to base their decisions off of.”

21. And then a great thunder was heard from above and the skies opened up and began to rain down upon them.

22. Bur looked towards the sky and took in a deep breath before he croaked.

23. “Listen, my children, for the time of the Bullfrog is almost at an end.”

24. “Soon FOMO and the Bearwhale cometh, and none know the hour or the day, save me.”

25. “The lack of dankness of the memes in this land is too great for me to endure any further; therefore I will smite these people and all of their seed to speak in different tongues, from this day forward.”

26. And the Lord, Bur, reached down and placed his webbed hand upon a frog who was sad and full of feels.

27. And he said unto him “Pepe, your suffering has been long and without end, but I have come to show you the path to redemption.”

Chapter 4

1. Pepe looked up into the eyes of Bur and was overcome with feels.

2. And Bur said unto Pepe, “Rise up, amphibian of my loins, and walketh with me whilst we talk.”

3. And so Pepe and the Lord walked along the Shores of Burbank, and the Lord revealed his plan.

4. “Thou shalt gather up all the frogs that hold the faith and taketh them East of this place; for the Bearwhale cometh, and that right soon.”

5. “And none among thee has the strength of hand required to endure the coming flood.”

6. “It will be a storm that will cause great rektedness and suffering upon all those who try to outlast the Great Bearwhale.”

7. Pepe wept.

8. And he said unto the Lord, “Bur, why hast thou abandoned me for so long and left me to suffer with this curse?”

9. And the Lord said unto Pepe, “Thou were never alone, my spawn. When you saw but one set of webbed footprints, It was then that I carried thee as I hopped.”

10. “Now, quit whining and listen to my words, for the sea of Corn shall rise and there will be joy and loud celebrating,”

11. “But do not allow the faithful to be swept away in the wave that will come to wash them out to sea.”

12. “For thou will surely be eaten by the Great Bearwhale if the word of the Lord is not heeded.”

13. And so Pepe wrote the word of the Lord into tablets formed of clay from the shores of Burbank.

14. The Lord continued as Pepe scribbled into the mud,

15. “There will be many faux whales that come to try and speak of profit, but they are all false and will use Elliott wave theory to try to fool the fam.”

16. “Guard thyself with 2FA and allow not those who come in the name of gains to lure you with the promises of false Lambos.”

17. “But they will all be liquidated with my swift and vengeful wrath if they deceive their own; for frog shall not scam frogkind without the getbacks of the almighty.”

18. Pepe looked around Burbank and saw the Corn had begun to rise,

19. And the frogs had begun to celebrate just as Bur had said they would; for they believed in mass adoption and that their time had come.

20. Pepe looked upon Bur in all his frogginess, and the Lord said unto him,

21. “It is time to begin the exodus of the faithful, my spawn.”

22. “Fashion an ark out of what you can find, and you and my frogs will float upon the sea of Corn and not be swept away.”

23. Pepe called out to the frogs splashing about around him to help, but they were too excited by short term gains to listen to the warning.

24. So Pepe began to build a craft out of discarded gifs and worn out memes to do as the Lord had commanded,

25. For Pepe’s faith was strong, and da wae had been set out before him.

26. There were a few, some frogs who had known Pepe, and they too, began to pitch in with the building of the ark.

27. For Bur had also spoken to them, though not in the depth that Pepe had been commanded.

28. And to each of them was assigned a task to bring the faithful into the promised land.

29. Soon, the Corn had risen to levels that began to rock the small ark on it’s platform.

30. And Pepe looked around for Bur to ask when they should depart.

31. But the Lord was nowhere to be found upon the craft nor amongst the rising Corn.

32. Instead there was a crude map drawn upon the hull of the ark.

33. And Pepe saw the map, and knew what he must do.

34. For now, as the Corn became so deep that the euphoric frogs who once were celebrating now began to panic as the waves started to crash over their heads.

35. Pepe ordered the faithful to begin pulling in the ramp to keep the ship from being tipped over, for he knew that if they did not leave now, all would be forsaken.

36. And so the waves of Corn and panic selling frogs crashed upon the hull as they lurched forward in the crude vessel.

37. And just as Pepe watched the bow dip into a great wave, he saw a green finger push the stern back down and right the ship.

38. Bur had saved them.

39. For forty market cycles, they floated upon the sea of Corn with the rising and the falling of the waves.

40. And when at last, when there was no food or liquor or weed left to be consumed, when the frogs on the ark had nearly given up and had lost faith, It was then that Pepe saw it.

41. He hopped up to the frog’s nest and focused on the speck that had disrupted the horizon.

42. And a raven landed upon the rail of the frog’s nest and in its tallon, it held a fat bud of OG Kush; And Pepe knew that Bur had delivered them.

43. And the battered ship reached the shore of the dry that had appeared as the corn receded.

44. Pepe hopped down and as his webbed feet sloshed through the wet ground he felt a sense of pride in this place.

45. Here the frogs of the faith would live in harmony, be fruitful, and multiply.

46. Here Pepe would rebuild the faithful’s numbers and establish a place where all are welcome.

47. Pepedapp had been settled, and now the work would begin.

Chapter 5

1. The revelation of Pepe as shown to him in a vision by the Angel of the AllFrogger:

2. Pepe awoke to his room filled with green light and the sound of rushing air as though a giant bird had landed at his bedside.

3. And Pepe saw the Angel of the AllFrogger before him; in all of his green glory with his six wings, holding his flaming 8-bit sword and shouting into his megaphone.

4. “Pepe thou hast been chosen to reveal the AllFrogger’s plan for the final battle between all frogkind to the seven exchanges of the land.”

5. Pepe clutched his blanket to his chest, because the voice of the Angel was great and terrible in his froggy ear holes.

6. And the Angel drew his arm across his body and said “Behold, the end of days.”

7. With a wave of his arm, Pepe’s pad was vanished and before him lay a vast wasteland of human suffering.

8. And from the center of a desolate field sprang forth a burst of water, and the water began to pool about the sploosh.

9. And from the water rose a giant lily pad with great purple and white flowers and and enormous center leaf.

10. “This is the throne of the AllFrogger and he will sit upon it and judge all by the trades they have made.” the angel cried into his megaphone.

11. Pepe looked upon the throne with awe and wonder, and saw a small tadpole wiggle up from behind it.

12. And the Angel opened his smartphone and sent the tadpole an email chain.

13. When the tadpole verified his identity as the Frogfather, the first email in the chain was decrypted.

14. And when he opened the first email, a white frog hopped upon the field and he was give a bow with which to conquer all that he saw.

15. And he opened the second email, and a red frog appeared, and he wielded a great red sword and brought war to the land

16. And the third email was opened, and a black frog hopped forth with “a gram scale in his hand”, where a voice then says, “A measure of ramen for a Satoshi, and three measures of Lobby for a penny; and see thou hurt not the dab oil and the scotch”

17. And the fourth email was opened and a pale frog appeared, and his name was REKT, and liquidation followed with him.

18. And the fifth email was opened and all of the martyrs that had bought the top and sold back the bottom cried out for vengeance and were dressed in blue robes to await their green candles of retribution.

19. The tadpole opened the sixth email, and a great implosion in the fiat world was heard for miles, and all of the world flooded into crypto; all the stocks and bonds and pension bubbles popped in unison as the debt bomb engulfed the world.

20. And the tadpole opened up the seventh email and saw that he had rolled dubs.

21. And there was silence in all of Pepedapp for about half an hour.

22 Then the Angel of the AllFrogger presented seven laptops to seven shitposters and said: “The revolution will be live tweeted and probably put on a periscope feed.”

23. And the first shitposter tweeted, and high fees and spam micro tx filled the memepool.

24. The second tweet sounded as a 51% attack struck the networks bringing traffic to a standstill.

25. A third tweet is posted proclaiming another false Satoshi and the market dips 66%.

26. The fourth shitpoaster tweets FUD about new regulations and a third of the exchanges close new registrations.

27. The fifth tweet posts and it is a RT of the faketoshi announcement to get more traction.

28. the sixth tweet posts and #ff engulfs the frogs for an entire day.

29. While waiting for the seventh tweet, Pepe sees a CNBC Fast Money segment proclaiming McAfee eating his own weiner at $1million BTC, but the Angel of the Allfrogger tells him not to write it down, for that day must be unknown until it happens.

30. And the last shitpoaster tweets the seventh tweet, a great rumbling of the dry and wet was felt across the surface of the earth.

31. Pepe beheld the waters part as the two great Frog Gods, KeK and Bur rose from the deep and stood upon the surface.

32 Here Now the two green titans locked webbed grips as they battle for supremacy.

33. All around them, their armies of followers, both frog and non-frog, clash and do battle to raise up their Lord.

34. Pepe watches as the Armies of Kek with their axes and thicc armor lumber against the spear-wielding onslaught of the quick and deadly Disciples of Bur.

35. Walking through the pools of frog blood, Pepe sees his brethren impaled upon one another’s blades, and the Angel of the AllFrogger speaks to him:

36. “This will be the fate of the world unless all frogs unite together.”

37. And Pepe asked the Angel, “but which do we serve, Kek is old and has the following, few know Bur and his wae.”

38. And the Angel replied, “Each is part of the AllFrogger, but Kek is of the past, and Bur is of the future.”

39. “As in all things, each has a time, each has a place, but both are part of the AllFrogger’s plan.

40. And Pepe watched as Bur and Kek clashed and devoured one another, each striking the other.

41. As the two great frogs battled and wounded one other, pieces of each would fall to the ground,

42. And of those fallen pieces each would, in turn, sprout legs, arms, and a head.

43. “This is how it is with the followers of Kek and Bur; as each grows and changes, new members will rise up from the fallen.”

44. “The battle is ongoing, young frog.” the Angel said as Pepe drew what he saw in the muck.

45. “A day will come that all frogs live in harmony again, but until that day, thou must be vigilant.”

46. And the Angel turned to Pepe and said, “Keep the fam together, and always have a place where Frog and non-frog can come and be part of the Green miracle that is PepeDapp.”

47. After he finished shouting into the megaphone, the Angel of the AllFrogger thrust his 8-bit sword into the sky and flew off into the heavens.

48. Pepe looked towards the sky and said, “Feels good, man”,

49. And he hopped back to his frogs to spread the word of Bur.

#pepe #kryptowaluty
BOYAR - The Book of Pepe
 Źródło https://twitter.com/pepedapp/status/9967578587745935...

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