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#randomanimeshit #choujigengameneptune #noire #blackheart #aniol @MlodyDziadzioSpamer
Apropo braku cen dla większości gier od Idea Factory na Steamie (z forum):

Quick e-mail for IFI and they wrote, that they know about currencies problem and "working up about fixing it". Looks like it's taking more time than just sending the price to Steam. Maybe it need to be verified by Valve ?

Nie tylko my ucierpieliśmy przy wprowadzeniu waluty, inne kraje (m.in. Argentyna) też
kedzior1916 - #randomanimeshit #choujigengameneptune #noire #blackheart #aniol @Mlody...

źródło: comment_UwaOQKc1y6nbXIC0qoqXx4b3nX0lrnVh.jpg
