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@eduardo8822: #gearbest
w skrócie jak pisalem zamowilem na GB item nie doszedl bo gupi zamowilem bez trackingu, zalozylem dispute i zgodzili sie ze wysla z trackingiem ale chca zebym wczesniej zamknal dispute na GB, jak myslicie chca mnie wykiwac?? Czy to rutynowe dzialanie? zamyknac tego dispute'a?

zalaczam wiadomosc

Thanks for the message and sorry for my late to reply.
1)Please reconfirm your delivery address one last time:
Customer name:
Delivery address:
2)Could you please close the case so as enable us to apply for the RMA to arrange the reshipment in our system? Would you mind following these steps to cancel the dispute?
1. Please log in your PayPal account.
2.Click the Resolution Center on the top of your PayPal account.
3.Then you can find it and cancel this dispute.

As we are not allowed to process the order in our system if the case is open since your order information will be frozen in our system that we are unable to process the order shipment. We can resend you the package free of charge with a tracking number so as enable you to track this package on site, this package can be received within 10 to 25 business days(due to peak season).

3)All gearbest products require a processing time. It is necessary for us to inspect all items one by one prior to shipping. Processing time takes usually 3-7 business days. Thanks for the understanding.
Best regards
Eve Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/
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