Wpis z mikrobloga


Najciekawsze zmiany do starej wersji:

- [Art of War] Automatic Fleet Transport now docks to pick up and drop off your armies when possible.

- State Maintenance is no longer 100% free in the capital area, but is instead -50%.

- Tech impact for administrative efficiency is now 0-30% instead of 0-60%, as absolutism impacts it 0-40% as well.

- Spies no longer are sent home when discovered, but instead
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@Ragnarokk: Zgadza się - pominąłem w tym wypisaniu oczywiscie featury nowe,a odniosłem się do zmian tego co było.

IMO najwazniejsze to to ze nie bedzie sie opylalo podwyzszac autonomii (-2 do absolutyzmu) czyli bedzie duzo buntow.

No i merce droższe. Chociaz jak florry'ego wczoraj ogladalem to gral normalnie mercami bez problemu - wiec chyba nie jest tak zle (chociaz narzekał na koszty reinforcmentu mercow).
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Wybrałem jeszcze kilka IMO istotncyh

- Removed Protectorates, they are now all considered vassals instead. You can do divert trade & seize territory from vassals & send officers to marches.

- Removed Colonial Nation penalty to Settler Chance and Colony growth.

- Subjects occupying a province for you will now automatically discover that province for you.

- Spices now reduce devastation monthly by 0.1 instead of increasing core-cost.

You can
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