Wpis z mikrobloga

Dear Miecz12,

Maybe you would like to know the purpose of my mysterious letter?

But, first, allow me to tell you something first. I know there are many areas where I have could have done things better. I also know that there have been many better suggestions for me. Though I have been met with a lot of criticism, you always stayed with me, to support me and to trust me. Thank you so much, my friend.

I know you are waiting for me to explain myself. For any number of reasons maybe you have not received products in a timely manner. Maybe you did not receive your expected products in the past, or our customer service did not fully solve your problem in time. You might even feel that you have suffered unfairly. If I were you, I would most likely not contact me, but you did. I have nothing to say other than a simple and extremely heartfelt "thank you".

But that can never be enough. I know this. I always wanted to show you the depth of my apology to you. But there has never been a good time. Now, I realize that I cannot keep waiting for the perfect opportunity because I am afraid that we will pass each other.

This is what I want to show you. Use it to get all you want.

co ten #tinydeal takie clickbaity robi ze az kliknalem ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
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