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Ciekawe czy to #!$%@? czy serio taka propozycja padła...... O_o

"Fury told Costello he had rejected two lucrative offers from the Middle East - Dubai and Qatar - to meet Klitschko over there.

One of them involved the owner of a super yacht. He wanted to stage the fight in front of 120 friends, who would each pay $1m (£683,000) for the privilege.

There would be no television cameras, no radio commentators and no website or newspaper reporters present, just the two fighters, their support teams and the 120 spectators."


#boks #szekle #hajsy #bogactwokuhwa
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@Jubei: Mogła paść, ale to zupełne science-fiction. Rozumiem, że hajs jest spoko, ale brak transmisji to jakiś kabaret :D Sama walka na łodzi brzmi jak żart, no ale to szejki, dolar uderzył ich za mocno w głowe
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