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#indiegala #bundle #steam : Happy Hour ponownie na Indie Gala: http://www.indiegala.com/

"Happy Hour! Double Gifts! During Happy Hour time NEW buyers for every BEAT THE AVERAGE gift purchase get a 2nd bonus BTA gift for free ( 2x1 ) ! All gifts are doubled! Remember to check 'IS IT A GIFT'!

And if you are an early buyer the deal is EVEN BIGGER!

Yes! If you already bought the current indiegala bundle and BEAT THE AVERAGE, you get 2 bonus BTA gifts for free for every BTA gift purchased ( 3 x 1 )

And if you bought and BEAT THE AVERAGE in the first week you get 3 BTA bonus gifts for free for every gift purchased ( 4 x 1 )

Remember to check 'IS IT A GIFT' ! if you want to take advantage of Happy Hour."
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