Digg: O’Reilly zarejestrował znak towarowy Web2.0 i nasyła prawników...
Jeden z komentarzy "za": Uhh, how do you figure that it is a public term? Not a single person in the world used that term until O'Reilly COINED IT. And now, it is one of the most over-used buzzowrds around due COMPLETELY to O'Reilly. They used it at their conference and they popularized it. And yes, it is worth money now. And yes, they are a FOR PROFIT corporation. So excuse me if I fail to take offense that they are trying to make profit off a profitable term that they invented and popularized.
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Komentarze (12)
Poczytaj http://browsehappy.pl - zmieniając przeglądarkę na jakąś o 4-5 lat nowszą nic nie tracisz, a może ci się spodobać pare nowinek, no i webmaster wykopu (i innych stron, które odwiedzasz) będzie miał o jedno zmartwienie mniej.