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Faszystowski projekt kolonialny sypie się od wewnątrz, kompletne zbydlęcenie IDF

Israeli sources are now confirming the horrific CNN and New York Times reports of the conditions in Sde Taiman. They include electric shocks, amputations due to bad conditions, severe beatings, , surgery without anesthesia, playing loud music until inmates ears bleed, deaths due to bad sanitary conditions, systematic torture and sexual abuse.

Sources in the Israeli justice department are saying the evidence is so clear and the cases so severe, it will be an open and shut case for international courts. This is a horror that will never be forgotten. A permanent stain on the state of Israel.

potwierdzone przez Izraelskie źródła, wypuszczam z klatki wołam wypokowego syjonistę, żeby mi wyjaśnił, że to Islamski spiseg @GoldaMeier #izrael #wojna #antykapitalizm #polityka
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