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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

impalpable - nienamacalny [difficult to feel or understand]
While you can view the signs of love, you can't touch love because it's impalpable.
agape - z otwartymi ustami [with the mouth open, especially showing surprise or shock]
We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.
caveat - zastrzeżenie, klauzula [a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement]
Any discussion of legal action must be preceded by a caveat about fees.
approachable - przystępny [friendly and easy to talk to]
Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.
mettle - zapał, odwaga [ability and determination when competing or doing something difficult]
The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.
kinsman - pobratymiec [old use; a man who belongs to the same family as someone else]
In 1320 Robert summoned his kinsman Philip V.
to bicker - sprzeczać się [to argue about things that are not important]
The children are always bickering about something or another.
to repel - odstraszać, odpychać [to force someone or something to stop moving towards you or attacking you; (of a material) to not allow a substance to be absorbed into it]
It is not true that eating garlic repels mosquitoes.
meek - potulny, cichy [quiet, gentle, and not willing to argue or express your opinions in a forceful way]
She seemed so very meek and mild.
roadside - pobocze
Children were selling cold drinks by the roadside.
to mandate - upoważniać
The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such.
hectic - gorączkowy, szaleńczy [full of activity, or very busy and fast]
The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
gorge - wąwóz [a narrow and usually steep valley]
The only way to cross the gorge was over a flimsy wooden bridge.
serene - spokojny [peaceful and calm; worried by nothing]
The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city.
witty - dowcipny [using words in an amusing and intelligent way]
I think she’s one of the wittiest comics on television.
bonus - idiom
blow hot and cold
If you blow hot and cold about something, you constantly change your opinion about it.
The boss keeps blowing hot and cold about the marketing campaign - one day he finds it excellent, the next day he wants to make changes.

Talia fiszek anki plik



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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen

impalpable - nienamacalny [difficult to fee...

źródło: comment_1605330067dYCnco2ODAQk68CTBMeOyO.jpg

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@Imputator: w każdym zestawieniu jest link do fiszek z tego dnia, raz w tygodniu wstawiam link do fiszek z danego tygodnia, a dodatkowo...
@bslawek: tak, postaram się do poniedziałku przygotować i wrzucić :)
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