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#amiga #atari #pc #mac

"Amiga 1200 is the best home computer ever. Period. Well, except for the Atari ST, but the Amiga 1200 is better. But no one cares because the Atari ST is a 586, which is an inferior or inferior-in-power machine.

Probably not coincidentally, the Amiga 1200 was designed and built in exactly the same way as the most-used of all personal computers: the PC. The same technologies, the same artists, and the same constraints that define the PC are driving the Amiga 1200. But at least it's the second iteration of a line that began with the Amiga 1200 for the classroom and PC which went on to the Mac, PC-XT, and every machine in between. (The PC-XT probably started it all:"

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