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Wybaczcie, że w takiej formie i że dzisiaj, a nie wczoraj.

1. [France will announce target dates for adjustments to the national energy mix in late October, the newly appointed environment minister said today. [...] In 2015, the government of former president François Hollande established an energy transition law which set a target of reducing the nuclear share to 50% by 2025, a policy supported during his election campaign by president Emmanuel Macron.](https://www.nucnet.org/all-the-news/2018/09/05/france-to-announce-energy-mix-targets-in-october-says-new-environment-minister)

2. The nuclear industry must defend itself against the growing risk of cyberattack by investing in the continuous improvement of cybersecurity measures at all nuclear facilities and building “mutual assistance mechanisms and shared resources” for responding to cyberattacks, a report by the Washington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative says.

3. A study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Energy Initiative proves that “deep decarbonisation” will be extremely difficult without the use of nuclear energy, the director-general of Foratom, the trade association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe, said today.

4. Completion of the world's first commercial power reactor capable of operating solely on plutonium-uranium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel in northeastern Japan will be pushed back for the third time due to prolonged safety checks, its constructor said on 4 September 2018.

5. [The preliminary design of the Yanlong swimming pool-type low-temperature reactor for district heating has been completed, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced yesterday (6.7.2018). [...] The Chinese government has made clean-energy heating a priority. Last year, the authorities issued guidance on clean heating in winter in northern China. The National Energy Administration released a five-year plan, covering 2017-2021, highlighting the innovation of clean heating technology and consideration of nuclear heating.](http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/CNNC-completes-design-of-district-heating-reactor)

6. [Belgium's Council of Ministers has approved EUR558 million (USD646 million) in funding for the Myrrha accelerator-driven research reactor at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre's (SCK-CEN's) site in Mol. [...] It is intended to replace Belgium's ageing BR2 research reactor, and will be used in a range of research functions including the demonstration of the concept of transmutation of long-lived radionuclides in nuclear waste, as well as producing radioisotopes for medicine. Myrrha will also be used for conducting fundamental scientific research in areas such as nuclear physics, atomic physics, fundamental interactions, solid-state physics and nuclear medicine.](http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Belgian-government-approves-funding-for-Myrrha)

#ejdlakazdego #energetyka

Na stronie NTI Nuclear Security Index jest w tle poniższe zdjęcie, co ono ma do bezpieczeństwa jądrowego to nie wiem, ale

markedone - Wybaczcie, że w takiej formie i że dzisiaj, a nie wczoraj. 

1. [Fran...

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@JohnnyFajf: U mnie na wydziale badali efektywność odprowadzania ciepła z elektrowni do trójmiasta.
Jaskólski M., Reński A., Minkiewicz T.: Thermodynamic and economic analysis of nuclear power unit operating in partial cogeneration mode to produce electricity and district heat// ENERGY. -Vol. 141, (2017), s.2470-2483