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z tym polakiem to nie do konca wiadomo
to wrozenie z fusow - rownie dobrze zyd mogl skorzystac z #!$%@? i zostawic dna a to nie znaczy wcale ze zostawil je morderca

w tamtych czasach i dzis tez takie #!$%@? sie nie myły i smierdziały XD i kazdy kto im placi moze zostawic na nich dna

Dr. David Miller, who assisted in the forensic research, found epithelial cells—which line cavities and organs—much to the surprise of the research team as they were not expecting to find anything usable after 126 years.[34] Donald Rumbelow criticised the claim, saying that no shawl is listed among Eddowes's effects by the police,[45][46] and mitochondrial DNA expert Peter Gill said the shawl "is of dubious origin and has been handled by several people who could have shared that mitochondrial DNA profile."[45] Two of Eddowes's descendants are known to have been in the same room as the shawl for three days in 2007, and, in the words of one critic, "The shawl has been openly handled by loads of people and been touched, breathed on, spat upon."[45] The shawl or other material could have been contaminated before or while DNA was being tested.[47]

Dubious DNA evidence was previously alleged to point definitively to a different suspect, Walter Sickert, and published in the book Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper—Case Closed.
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