Wpis z mikrobloga

Ja tu tylko przeklejam

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims'

************* Think of it ********************

Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem

****** sO Where's the Problem *********

Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem

******SO THIS LEAD TO *************

They’re not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan

**** So, where are they happy? ********

They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India

#islam #francja #terroryzm
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@johny11palcow: Rozmawiałem o tym ze specjalistą. Nawet jeżeli w atakach brali udział ludzie Bin Ladedena, to nie tylko z przyzwoleniem, ale i z pomocą rządu USA. Takie drugie Pearl Harbor. Jankesi mogli się obronić (NORAD), a tam się nagle okazało, że w pobliżu NY nie ma żadnego myśliwca przechwytującego, bo wszystkie musiały lecieć na ćwiczenia na północ kraju. Wszystkie...
No kto wierzy w takie bajki?
Natomiast wielu innych ataków,
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ale i z pomocą rządu USA. Takie drugie Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor zostało zaatakowane bez pomocy USA, służby wywiadowcze wiedziały o ataku, poinformowano o tym prezydenta i zdecydowano im nie przeszkadzać, natomiast im nie pomagano, a w przypadku WTC też im nie przeszkadzano i zdecydowanie nikt im nie pomagał.
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zdecydowano im nie przeszkadzać, natomiast im nie pomagano

@johny11palcow: No bo co mieli zrobić? Pożyczyć im eskadrę bombowców? Japończycy pomocy nie potrzebowali. Jankesi wysłali tylko w morze swoje lotniskowce, a na starszych i mniej ważnych jednostkach (głównie na Arizonie) zostawili ponad 1000 marynarzy.

No a weź tu sobie jakiegoś taliba, naucz go, jak przejąć taki samolot i jak go ładnie skierować w wieżowce i jeszcze ładniej w Pentagon... Jeśli im nie
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