Stan na 20.05 :
#popasna - #ukrainian troops continue to struggle to hold back #russian assaults in this area. Today, #ruaf captured the town of Viktorivka to the N and the town of Vysjryva to the S of Popasna. #uaf has not had sufficient time or resources to establish a defensible line yet. Forces were operating less than 5km away from the critical supply node of Soledar. This town sits directly atop the fastest & shortest route to #severodonetsk, which is in danger of encirclement. #ruaf did not reach the town as the #ukrainianarmy fights for every inch.

Z mojej strony, prawdopodobne uzyskanie kontroli ogniowej nad drogą T1302 oznacza że Ukraińcom została juz tylko jedna droga dla dostarczania dostaw do rejonu Sewierodoniecka i Lisiczańska o gorszych parametrach jezdnych.
konradpra - Stan na 20.05 :
#Popasna - #Ukrainian troops continue to struggle to hol...

źródło: comment_1653125602wccltJKu5AKxelEIhxvkmi.jpg

Ukraine: Nato will respond if Russia uses chemical weapons, warns Biden

Basurin (DNR) powiedział dziś, że należy zwrócić się do wojsk chemicznych ponieważ nie widzi sensu w szturmie podziemnych umocnień w Mariupolu

⚡The #azov battalion reports that about an hour ago, #russian troops used a poisonous substance of unknown origin, dropped from a UAV, against #ukrainian military and civilians in the city of #mariupol.
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