Peter z Londynu w komentarzach napisał: Keeping people trapped indoors is the worst thing Italy has done - we should not have this situation here. It is exacerbating the situation. People need to be out in the air, breathing the oxygen in it, getting the sun on their faces, calming down, relaxing more. Stress is appalling for the immune system. What on earth are these governments doing to us. They have reacted
@Clistwood: z tym brakiem wychodzenia to troche racji, człowiek powinien móc wyjść na spacer raz dziennie w odosobnieniu. Z pewnością stałe przebywanie w domu osłabia odporność, choć jak dać ludziom słomke to chcieliby cały łyk więc stąd zakazy.
Komentarze (2)
Keeping people trapped indoors is the worst thing Italy has done - we should not have this situation here. It is exacerbating the situation. People need to be out in the air, breathing the oxygen in it, getting the sun on their faces, calming down, relaxing more. Stress is appalling for the immune system. What on earth are these governments doing to us. They have reacted