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Ile imigranci wprowadzają do budżetu - podział na Duńczyków, imigrantów zachodnich, nie-zachodnich i z azji+afryki

'average net contribution', which means that on average, those of Danish origin only start adding more to the state than they take (e.g. from education) in their mid twenties. While on average the MENAPT immigrants are a net loss, meaning that the total amount of taxes earned from MENAPT immigrants isn't enough to pay for the benefits they get from the state, even in their most productive years. Of course, there are probably many different types of government expenditure included in the data, but I would think that even a McD worker without any health problems would be at a net positive contribution.

Source btw, although I didn't read it: https://www.economist.com/europe/2021/12/18/why-have-danes-turned-against-immigration

Phallusimpudicus - Ile imigranci wprowadzają do budżetu - podział na Duńczyków, imigr...

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